some important Skills of the Modern Teacher

Education is a constantly evolving field, which requires that teachers are refreshed and up-to-date with the latest developments. Therefore, to the traditional skills necessary to be a good teacher, it is necessary to add some others that have gained strength in recent years and are essential . These are, in our opinion, the 10 Skills of the Modern Teacher.

The 10 Skills of the Modern Teacher

Traditional Competences

These 6 first competitions (in red in the image) are not new but their importance is increased remarkably for the modern teacher.

# 1 Committed :

It is essential that the teacher is committed to their work and the education of young people. The responsibility that lies in the hands of a teacher is enormous, so he must be aware of it and love his profession.

# 2 Prepared:

Academic training is another of the traditional skills required of a teacher. This requirement is increasing in an increasingly prepared and competent society. The better the teacher is prepared, the better.

# 3 Organized:

Good organization and planning of the course in advance are key factors for the success of the course. It is very important that the teacher properly organize the syllabus to be taught and the time to be able to cover it in its entirety.

# 4 Tolerant:

In an increasingly diverse and multicultural society, it is necessary for the teacher to have no prejudices and to treat all students equally without showing favoritism.

# 5 Open to Questions:

Classroom discussion and collaboration are essential for stimulating students and for putting into practice new teaching techniques such as problem-based learning or the inverted classroom . The teacher should be open to answer questions from his students and be collaborative.

# 6 Storyteller:

One of the best ways to teach and convey ideas is through stories. The best teachers have used this method in their classes for centuries. Due to its effectiveness, this technique is used today not only by teachers, but also by many other professionals, such as marketing specialists in their campaigns.

New Skills

To these traditional competences it is necessary to add other competences associated to the new technologies (in blue in the image). With them, educators become modern teachers.

# 7 Innovative:

The modern teacher should be willing to innovate and try new things; Both teaching techniques and educational apps, ICT tools and electronic devices. The modern teacher must be an “early adopter”.

# 8 Enthusiast of New Technologies:

The modern teacher should not only be innovative but also a lover of new technologies. Whether iPads, projectors or digital whiteboards, you must anticipate your students and be on the constant search for new ICTs to implement in their classes.

# 9 Social :

One of the traditional teacher’s competencies was to be open to questions. The traditional teacher should emphasize this competence and bring the conversation to the social networks to explore possibilities outside the class itself. We recommend our article ” Twitter in the Classroom: Ideas for teachers ” to explore this point in depth.

# 10 Friki:

In the good sense of the word. Internet is the greatest source of knowledge that human beings have known, so a modern teacher must be a curious person. Someone who is always researching and looking for data and novel information that can be used to challenge their students

6 more signs of a bad SEO agency

In an ongoing look at the differences between good and bad SEO agencies, here are a few more warning signals to keep an eye out for when you decide to get outside help optimising your website.

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Inadequate Resources

For effective SEO, you really need an agency that can dedicate enough resources to deal with your particular needs instead of making empty promises on which they then fail to deliver. If deadlines are not being met, it may well be the case that an agency is spreading itself too thin by servicing an untenable number of clients simultaneously, so ask about this before you commit.

Excessive Emphasis on Metadata

While metadata can be relevant in terms of boosting CTRs (click through rates), especially in terms of meta descriptions, this should not be a central pillar of an agency’s SEO strategy. In fact, you can probably handle many of the meta issues in house with a little practice.

Unrealistic Pricing

If the price of an SEO package sounds too good to be true, it may be worth avoiding. It is a question of balancing how much you are willing to pay against the quality of the work you receive in return. Working with reputable, established agencies like, an SEO company in Dublin, is worthwhile because of this issue.

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Claims of Insider Knowledge

Some agencies seeking to secure new clients will claim, either implicitly or explicitly, that they have behind-the-scenes information on how search algorithms operate. This is patently false. No search engine gives out its secrets because doing so would open up its results to endless exploitation. Such claims are a sign that an agency will deliberately mislead clients.

No References

Even relatively small-scale SEO operators should be able to provide references and case studies from companies they have worked with in the past. If these are not available or are alluded to but ultimately not provided, then think twice before you work with such an organisation.

Unreasonable Terms

Checking the small print of a deal with an agency will let you find out whether they are genuinely going to operate in your best interest or if they are just looking to make a quick buck at your expense. Being tied down to a bad agency is always worth avoiding.

8 Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Diet

let’s imagine for a moment the person who, during the morning awakening, cheerfully smiles to the new day, stretches. The whole day he actively moves, acts, solves many questions, creates, creates, destroys. He is cheerful and energetic. This person does what he wants, eats what he wants, rejoices in everything interesting and new, believes in himself and knows no failures and fear.

He is the embodiment of free creativity and pure energy. This person is you, but at the age of an infant. Look at the child and remember that you once were too, they were energetic and cheerful. Where did all this go?

Imposed stereotypes, malnutrition, anger, sedentary lifestyle, pollution of thoughts and body, aging and illness. That’s what we have replaced a full and fun life. In many ways, our food is to blame. That’s why we will share with you secrets, advice on nutrition, which will help you regain your activity and cheerfulness .

Nutrition tips for every day

We have been told since childhood that breakfast is the main and most important meal. Breakfast charges us with energy, gives impetus to great deeds. But only breakfast is good. According to the advice on nutrition, people who eat well and have a good breakfast do not overeat at night. Supper they are light foods. If you are hungry all day, then in the evening it’s just impossible to keep yourself. In the end, we overeat.

The energy of breakfast and lunch for a healthy diet is consumed throughout the day. And energy from a dense supper is stored in the form of fats, because at night you do not spend it. It is necessary to remember this and distribute food correctly. Proper nutrition will lead you to the fact that you will be energetic and vigorous all day long .
Sutra is perfect for oatmeal porridge with honey and berries, buckwheat, corn flakes, light omelet with vegetables. Among drinks on the advice of nutritionists, give preference to green tea, juices, mineral still water. Lunch is a whole space for a culinary fantasy. You can bake or boil fish, lean meat, cook soup, vegetable soup, soup, nutrient broth. According to the advice on nutrition, one should choose whole wheat bread, bran bread, bread from coarse flour. Vegetable salad will be a wonderful addition to dinner, and also will charge you with vitamins.

When choosing meat, it should be taken into account that there are less bones and fat in the fillet. Beef stuffing is the most low-fat meat. If you can not exclude salt from the diet, a healthy diet recommends adding its minimum amount . But do not push yourself to extremes. Everything should be in moderation.

For dinner, advice on nutrition is recommended to prepare vegetable stew, buckwheat porridge, baked poultry, unsweetened pancakes. If you are not used to cooking in the evening, you can drink kefir and eat biscuits. In addition, an excellent light dinner will be muesli, filled with milk or natural yoghurt. But men need more solid food. This is suitable for healthy eating pilaf, fish casserole. In this you will help multivarka and oven. As for the drinking regime, nutrition advice is recommended to drink herbal teas, freshly prepared juices. Minimize the consumption of carbonated drinks, industrial juices.

Among the fats, according to the advice of nutritionists, it is better to give preference to cold-pressed oils . Treated oils contain chemical additives. And cold-pressed oils abound with valuable fatty acids. Salted and smoked meat, processed foods should be excluded from the diet, as they are teeming with flavoring additives, preservatives, dyes and flavors. Proper nutrition recommends buying fresh meat and cook it sparingly. Choose lean meat, if possible replace it with fish and legumes.

On the advice of nutritionists diet should be varied. Food gives us energy, the necessary substances for all organs and systems. It is in this regard that the diet should be as varied as possible, with products of plant and animal origin. Each product has nutrients of its own use. The most harmful habit, based on the advice on nutrition – the use of monotonous food every day.

To advice how to lose weight, is this: eat less sweets, sugar, syrups, sweets, chocolate, fructose, jelly, jams . Fructose from sugar is not different: it is also quickly absorbed and contains many calories. Previously, sweets were harmless, but now they are stuffed with chemical additives. To useless products can also be attributed dark meat sliced, dried fish, products with an abundance of salt. Among the spices is better to choose herbs and peppers. So you can improve the taste of the dish without resorting to salt. Its daily consumption should not exceed the threshold of six grams. On the advice how to lose weight, you must choose instead of flour whole grains. Try to eat whole wheat bread, millet, buckwheat, rice, oats, grain bread. Products from white flour, as well as white polished rice bring a lot of calories and a minimum of nutrients. In the daily diet should be present dairy products that provide the body with calcium, proteins, vitamins D and B. On the advice of nutritionists should choose low-fat foods.

The most important 8 nutrition tips

Below we give you the most significant and main tips on nutrition :

1. Do not violate the regime of the day, as this leads to imbalance, disharmony of all internal systems and organs. Due to a violation of the regime, gastrointestinal diseases occur;

2. Use only natural food, which is extracted by milking, harvesting, fishing, hunting and is not processed mechanically;

3.A healthy diet is the daily use of five servings of fruits and vegetables;

4. Per day, the body should receive 90 grams of protein, 50 grams of carbohydrates, 30 grams of fat;

5. Clean water is required for daily consumption. Drink as much as you can. Drink a glass of water for half an hour before eating;

6. Important advice on nutrition:  fractional meals with interruptions not more than 3.5 hours;

7. Do not drink while eating, as water takes away the gastric juices, thus interfering with digestion;

8. Eat what you want. Proper nutrition should become the norm, and the process itself should bring pleasure . Come up with new dishes, experiment, find new combinations of products. Eat without haste, thinking about the pleasant and good.

Tips for dieting for weight loss

Tips on how to lose weight include all of the above principles. To this you can add:

1. Do not neglect vegetables and vegetable oils;

2. Choose low-fat dairy products, low-fat varieties of fish and meat;

3. Use systematically multivitamin preparations;

4. Cook food for a couple.

Tips on how to lose weight, recommends avoid:

1. Avoid monotony in nutrition, high caloric intake, excessive consumption of sweet foods;

2. Do not prepare food for future use, and then reheat it. Then you do not get useful substances;

3. Avoid alcohol.

Proper nutrition is a reliable and simple way to beauty and health .


9 simple tips for a gardening beginner

We all once started. In memory to this day are alive the first victories and the first setbacks, the first flower that blossomed on its first flowerbed, and the first self-grown harvest. And now, on the eve of the next summer season, I want to say a few words to those for whom he will become the very one that is memorable for life: the first.

Do you think it will be about how to plant and plant? And here not. About this – another time. And today – about those rules, without which any initiative is doomed to failure and disappointment. I know from experience: it is very important that at the right moment someone tells you these simple words …

Do not be afraid!

Most of all at first we are hampered by the awareness of our own inexperience in the country business and the fear of making a mistake. What decisions can be taken if the brain is constantly jarring alarm bell: “I do not know how to do it! I never did it! I can not! But suddenly I will do something wrong, I’ll spoil something! ”
So, I have good news. First, it passes. And it passes quickly – you will not have time to look back, as wings are straightened behind your back. Honestly! Secondly , if you are not going to arrange some very crazy agronomical experiments at the dacha, it is unlikely that your actions (even if they were wrong, not without this) could cause really serious and irreparable damage to the garden and its inhabitants.

Do not exaggerate their helplessness and “illiteracy” in country issues. Listen to yourself. Believe in the inner voice – he usually does not advise bad advice Try, do, make mistakes . Take lessons from your own mistakes – and do it again. It’s not scary! If at some point you start to doubt – read the article Dacha without rules .

“Do not make yourself an idol”

When you feel inexperienced, you feel a lack of knowledge and experience, it is tempting to follow the authoritative opinion of others. And this is normal, there is nothing wrong with it – how else to learn something new. But it is not necessary from the first steps to get stuck on some one point of view, idea or theory. Why? Because of all the same own inexperience.
It is difficult to objectively evaluate other people’s views and concepts when you start a new business “from scratch”. Theories are mass, they are all persuasive and look very attractive. Well, tell me, which of us will abandon the ecologically pure harvest grown without any worries and special efforts? Is it tempting? And then!
And now a freshly baked summer resident with the energy and fervor of a neophyte begins to introduce and preach some fashionable theory. If everything coincided – as they say, “the stars came together” – and it turned out well, it is strengthened in its “new faith”. If something went wrong somewhere, the results did not justify the hopes – it sometimes becomes a fierce opponent and critic of the former “idol” now cast into the dust …
Wait. Do not rush to join the ranks of ardent supporters of any method. Listen to different opinions, compare, weigh . Look through the review From the plow to the computer: traditions and innovations in agriculture – you will see how vast the choice can be. Try, check, look. Do not take anything for granted. And then, after a while, for sure you will find what you need.

Do not rush!

I want everything to happen right away. Today there was only grass till the waist – and a week later it is already standing, lake ducks are swimming on the lake, apples are poured on the branches … Fairy-tale, yeah)) But you want the same, right? Let not so exaggerated, and yet …
Probably, we all dream of how (thanks to our inexhaustible energy, of course!), The neglected plot will change magically: instead of weeds, well-maintained beds and lush flower beds will grow, arches and gazebos, paths and lawn will appear … And in the first year.
But this often does not happen – and disappointment comes: failed, failed … Some, however, at the cost of titanic efforts, it is possible to achieve impressive results. Only there is no power left to enjoy them. And then why all this? ..
Remember, what folk wisdom says: “Moscow was not built at once”. It is impossible to turn an abandoned wasteland into a garden of paradise for a year (if we are talking about ordinary summer residents, of course, those who do not have unlimited resources to immediately realize any dreams). Everything has its time. All will be. Everything will turn out. Just not right away .
And until the “real” spring has come, read the article ” Redevelopment at the dacha: what to do when you want to change everything – it will tell you how to distribute forces and time in order to get the best result in your first summer season.

Do not give up!

Failures  and mistakes will be happen. Accept this as a fact, as a fact. So gaining experience, this is its price. And this does not mean that nothing happens .
There will be unexpected problems, all sorts of difficulties and unpleasant “surprises”. For example, fresh molehills on a brand-new flat lawn. Or an unexpected summer hail, leaving only memories from your favorite flowers. Late frosts or prolonged spring rains; Neighbor’s dog; A seedling that has not taken root … But you did not expect that it would cost absolutely no difficulties, right? ..
In moments of fatigue and despondency – stop. Read the article Where there is optimism and look at what is happening a little differently. Do not let the problems prevail , because you are probably stronger than them.

Do not compare with others!

Another difficult moment in the life of a beginner. You look around, leaf through pages of sites – around neat little houses and well-groomed gardens, where everything is so beautiful, so intelligently arranged … You look at your own land – and the longing is coming: here it is still so far from the ideal … It’s easy to fall into despair.
And you ask those whose gardens you admire, how many years they left to create this beauty. And believe me – in your time, too, everything will change for the better.
And think about it: do you really need it “just like in the picture”? Is this really your dream? The question, by the way, is not idle. Often those who seek to make “like a neighbor” or “like that photo in a magazine” forget to “try on” the coveted idea for their real life.
And now a picture of life . My friends in the country house have a fireplace, and chairs, and “hunting trophies” on the walls of the fireplace hall, and the view outside the window. Only they can not remember when the last fire was fired up – they have enough stoves. And they prefer to spend the evenings in front of the TV. And from the big window (yes, the very one behind which – the marvelous view) is terribly blowing, and to do anything – is difficult and very expensive, because there are huge glass in bulky old frames … But it looks beautiful, of course .. .
Only “was” and “became” can be compared . Take photos of your dacha before you start transforming it. And whenever you want to compare your (maybe still modest) successes with strangers, get those pictures and say to yourself: “I have achieved excellent results!” And it surely will be true – you’ll see.


Nobody was born with knowledge and experience. That’s why thousands of books are being written, hundreds of magazines are being published, websites are being created, articles are being written so that we can find the information you need, find answers to your questions.
Do not think that everything will come-you have to study thoughtfully and purposefully . Here to whom as it is more convenient: who – under books, who – under prompts of more skilled friends, neighbors on a summer residence. It is important to analyze your mistakes and good luck, draw conclusions – and certainly apply them in practice.
At the beginning summer resident, by the way, in this respect there is a huge advantage over experienced. Do you know what? In an effort to learn new things, to learn . Over time, we often lose it, stop, having reached some level of results acceptable for ourselves.
The longer the interest in knowledge persists, the more success will be in the daily garden-and-garden cares. Perfect, and let every new summer season be full of discoveries!


I repeat: no one can know everything. And there will always be someone who understands better in one or another issue. Therefore, you should not “cook in your own juice”, trying to find all the necessary answers yourself. Do not be afraid to ask , even if it seems to you that your questions are naive and ridiculous. In fact, the one who self-confidently believes that he knows everything is ridiculous, and the one who seeks, recruited experience, is always right in seeking to find the truth.
We have a section Questions – it’s just to ask and receive answers. And comments on articles are also for this (including)). Did not find any information, faced with difficulties – ask ! Necessarily, there are those who have an answer. Or at least a clue where to look for it – sometimes this is enough.


A  village house is not a place where you need to exhaust yourself with slave labor in the vast “plantations.” The village house is a “place of strength”, a powerful antidepressant, a source of positive and optimistic . It is very important to remember this, otherwise the initial fervor and enthusiasm will quickly fade away – they will be overwhelmed by fatigue and a load of endless worries.
Find the time to just admire what nature has created and your skillful hands. Rejoice in flowers, butterflies, fruit ripening on the branches, morning sun, birds singing, clean air. Look for and find occasions for joy and admiration , be proud of your successes, enjoy and  cares.

Believe in yourself!

“It’s not the gods that burn pots,” and that’s true. Even if you are anxiously waiting for the beginning of spring, doubting your own strength and suffering from uncertainty, everything will soon change. The first shoots in the garden miraculously raise self-esteem
When something starts to turn out (and it turns out that it’s impossible – just can not be otherwise, since you started this business!), Our confidence begins to grow steadily. Remember: everyone once started . No one knows his experience and knowledge from birth, so they will come to you, too. Very soon, wait and meet!
A little secret: if you share your success with friends, it necessarily becomes more Support and approval of like-minded people are doing real miracles! Therefore, do not hesitate to talk about your dacha finds and achievements, discoveries and successes – write, leave comments, publish photos of your wonderful, unique, and (certainly – beloved) Villa so that we can all rejoice for you.

You may also like to read about strix mythology.

Google will close content-sharing app Spaces

Many of us are the ones who originally referred to Google as the creators of the largest and most used Internet search engine in the world, but nowadays it has many more services than we think, such as the popular ones, Gmail, Drive, Maps, Calendar, Play Music and YouTube.


This article is dedicated to a not so famous Google service, which was baptized with the name of Spaces , which was intended to be something like a kind of Google social network created in April last year where you could chat in Group on any subject you want.

As stated on its official website, the Internet giant has made the decision to literally “kill” the Google Spaces service. This was launched on April 16, 2016 and was intended to become a somewhat different social network as it would allow grouping people with a common interest.

According to what is indicated by the Google Product Manager itself, John Kilcline , Spaces was something like an experiment, which will use all the experience gained to be applied in its other products, which means that Spaces will leave To exist as such.

 John affirms that from the next weeks the service of Spaces will be of “only reading”, which would mean that nobody will be able to create new “Spaces” or better known as groups, nor to comment or publish more content.

But nevertheless, it will be for the next day April 17, 2017 when Google Spaces will disappear completely, both its website as well as its application for Android and iOS. In this way, users will have a period of almost 1 month to save all the content they have posted to Google Spaces.

Spaces would not be leaving behind any kind of legacy, which means that, barely known worldwide, in fact very little has had any news or any news about this service throughout 2016 and part of 2017. Hopefully this “Experience” as Google has called it, it has been very useful, and no more failed attempts like the case of Spaces, which lasted for a year.

This case of Spaces reminds us of other similar ones, such as Picasa or Wave, which lasted a little more, but in the same way Google the circulation bags.

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Researchers make coin-sized microscope on a single chip

Recently a group of researchers have created a powerful atomic force microscope on a single chip, shrinking the size of the powerful invention to the size of a coin.

However, an atomic force microscope (AFM) is, in its standard form, a very cumbersome and also quite voluminous instrument with multiple control systems as well as electronic components and complex amplifiers.

The team of scientists Reza Moheimani and Anthony Fowler, of the University of Texas specifically in the city of Dallas, has managed to “miniaturize” all electromechanical components that make up an atomic microscope to the incredible size of a small, a coin.

This is a classic example of MEMS technology and we have in accelerometers and also in gyroscopes, just as it is present in smartphones. They used to be very large and super expensive mechanical devices, but using MEMS technology the accelerometers have shrunk to just a single chip, which can be manufactured for only a few dollars a piece.

This very interesting AFM based MEMS has an area of ​​about one square centimeter, in other words, it is the size of a small coin. It is attached to a small printed circuit, which is half the size of a common credit card, which contains all the circuitry, sensors and other miniaturized components that control all movement and other aspects of the apparatus in question.

Since the famous conventional AFMs require laser technology and other large components to operate, their use may be somewhat limited by being very but very little portable, as well as the price that is super high. On this last point, a version for educational uses can cost something like about $ 30,000 or $ 40,000 dollars, and a more specialized AFM, say for laboratories can exceed the astonishing $ 500,000 dollars.

Undoubtedly, just as with cell phones and computers , whose first versions were big, expensive and expensive, and then they could be carried in the pocket, that is exactly what is happening with the AFMs, which will pass from Be giant solutions to the diminutive size of a coin, not forgetting that its cost will decrease drastically and its manufacture will be much easier to handle.

Kyoto , Japan Asia’s World Heritage Site



Kyoto is a major town situated in the main section of the isle of Honshu, Asia. It has a inhabitants near to 1.5 thousand. Kyoto was the main town of Asia for over 1,000 years and still continues to be its social and traditional center. It is one of the world’s great places and a place that everyone should check out at least once in their moves.


Situated in the Kansai position, 226 kilometers south west of the capital, Kyoto is protected in a position with organic hills enhancing protectively around it.  The town middle is very easy to get around, thanks to a simple instructs and system (just two practice lines) and its selections system, motivated by conventional  feng shui.  A start is Higashiyama in the southeast of the town, home to a cornucopia of lifestyle enjoyment from  temples and shrines to specialist shops.  Kyoto places on top of a huge organic oxygen  desk that provides the town with sufficient oxygen  carried gaps. Due to large-scale urbanization, the amount of rainfall drop losing into the desk is decreasing and carried gaps across the area are dehydrating at an increasing amount.

Palace of Kyoto, Japan


Kyoto has a moist subtropical environment (Köppen Cfa), presenting reasonable periodic difference in heat range and rainfall. Summertime are hot and moist, but winter seasons are relatively cold with periodic snow. Kyoto’s rainfall season starts around the middle of  July and continues until the end of  July, producing to a hot and warm latter half of the summer. Kyoto, along with most of the Hawaiian shore and main areas of Asia is vulnerable to typhoons during Sept and Oct.


Culture is an  image of its society. The culture of Kyoto is amazing and engaging. It informs us about individuals of the position, their lifestyle and their values. Monitoring the culture of Kyoto gives you a reasonable concept about the customs and methods that are still followed by the residents. The celebrations, the activities, the destinations, all indicate the culture of Kyoto in one way or the other. The residents have a relatively great quality of life and are quite well-off in inclusion to being helpful towards visitors and courteous. Interaction with the senior citizens, though, might be a little challenging as they mostly talk their local terminology. The attractive, knowledgeable in the British terminology, is more helpful.


Airport : Kyoto does not have its individual worldwide airport. The closest worldwide entrance is Kansai International Airport, 73 moments away by the quickest practice. Most household flight tickets area at Osaka’s Itami Airport, one time away by bus.



Most guests reach JR Kyoto Place by Shinkansen (bullet train) from Seattle, Couple of time and 14 moments away. For relationships to close by places, you can also take the individual Hankyu or Keihan collections to Osaka, or the Kintetsu range to Nara.


The bus system is the only realistic way of attaining many destinations. Most town vehicles have a set stand up of ¥220, but you can also purchase a one day successfully pass (¥500 for grownups and 250 yen for the kids under 12) with which you can drive a large number of times within a one day period. The day goes can come from the bus motorists or from the bus details middle just outside the Kyoto Place. This is especially useful if you plan on going to many different neat places to see within Kyoto. You can also buy a mixed endless practice and bus successfully pass for ¥1200. Unlike most Japanese people vehicles, Kyoto’s vehicles have reports and digital symptoms in British. The public transportation company posts a very useful flyer known as Bus Navi. It contains a path map for the bus collections to most destinations and stand up details. You can make it up at the details middle right before the main station where you will also discover an English/Japanese computer international airport to assist you to choose the right path and prevent for your designed location.


Cycling :

Cycling is a very important type of personal transportation in the area. The location and range of the area are such that the area may be traveled the world on a bike. Bicycle theft is not common, but finding permitted bike vehicle vehicle parking locations can be an issue. Motorbikes sitting in non-permitted locations are impounded



Tourism also types a large platform of Kyoto’s economic system. The town’s social heritages are regularly frequented by school categories from across Asia, and many international visitors also stop in Kyoto. In 2014, the town govt declared that a history number of visitors had frequented Kyoto, and it was selected as the world’s best town by U.S. travel journal Traditional Japanese people designs are also significant market of Kyoto, most of which are run by craftsmen in small vegetation. Kyoto’s kimono weavers are particularly well known, and the town is still leading middle of kimono production. Such companies, brilliant in past hundreds of years, have dropped recently as sales of conventional products stuck.

Travelling duration:

Kyoto is possibly a year-round location, although the environment is extreme: summer time are oppressively moist and hot with regular rainfall, and winter is amazingly cold, with periodic snow. Spring and fall are the most average and delightful times of season in terms of the fantastic cherry flower (around beginning April) and the fantastic red changing of the results in (early November). This, however, is when Kyoto is at its most popular. Those eager to avoid the crowd should try beginning fall or late springtime.  Public vacations, such as Fantastic Week and New Year are also best prevented, due to crowd of holidaymakers and many places being shut.


                                      Kyoto UNESCO World Heritage Sites:

Heritage site

There are many UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kyoto.But I discover only few list, which are the most worthwhile and fascinating to visit.

Byodo-in temple:

The main area of Byodo-in temple was designed to replicate Buddha’s structure in heaven, and the temple is indeed otherworldly. Its elegant collections and heated shades give the building the overall look of a spectacular fowl growing its pizza. It is famously known as the “Phoenix Hall,” and when seen with its representation on the large lake right in front, it almost seems to be sliding above our planet. This perspective is one of the most popular moments in Asia, and is duplicated on back of the 10 yen money.

Daigo-ji Temple

Daigoji is an important temple of the Shingon sect of Japanese people Buddhism and a specific world culture site. The large forehead complicated appears south east of main Kyoto and contains an whole mountainside. The main forehead reasons are found at the bottom of the hill and are linked via a climbing pathway to several more forehead structures around the peak. It is popular for its five tale pagoda and spectacular cherry flowers in springtime and fall leaves in fall.

Saiho-ji Temple :

Saiho-ji temple is as known as the “Moss Temple” for its amazing moss lawn, the lawn here is a wonderful invisible world carpeted by lavish green moss. The awesome heart-shaped lawn was set out in 1339 and has a calming pond. If we want to admission to the forehead and lawn needs a reservation in advance.

Nijo-jo Castle

Nijo castle was integrated 1603 as the Kyoto property of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Edo Interval (1603-1867). His grand son Iemitsu finished the castle’s structure structures 23 decades later and further extended the castle with the addition of a five tale castle keep. After the Tokugawa Shogunate dropped in 1867, Nijo castle was used as an imperial structure for a while before being contributed to the town and started out up to people as a ancient website. Its structure structures are probably the best enduring types of castle structure of Japan’s feudal era, and the castle was specific a UNESCO globe culture website in 1994.

To-ji Temple

To-ji temple is a large historical temple located to the southern of Kyoto Place that provided as one of the caretaker temples of historical Kyoto. In southeast the garden appears the Goju-no-to, a large wood made five tale pagoda, the biggest in Asia at 57 meters (187 ft) high. Check out Japan’s most popular flea market organized on its peaceful reasons to pick up a well used Japanese people memorabilia such as a kimono or vintage.

 Tenryu-ji Temple

Tenryuji is the most significant temple in Kyoto’s Arashiyama region. It was placed first among the town’s five great Zen temples, and is now authorized as a world culture site. Tenryuji was designed in 1339 by the judgment shogun Ashikaga Takauji. Takauji devoted the forehead to Emperor Go-Daigo, who had just approved away. Tenryuji’s lawn live through the hundreds of years in its unique form. Designed by the popular lawn developer Muso Soseki, who also designed the landscapes of Kokedera and other essential wats or temples, the wonderful scenery lawn features a main lake enclosed by stones, maple plants and the wooded Arashiyama hills.

Ryoan-ji Temple

Ryoanji temple is as known as of Japan’s most popular rock garden , which draws thousands of guests every day. It is also renowned for its Zen rock garden As for the reputation of Ryoanji’s popular stone lawn, the reality is less certain. The garden’s time frame of development is unidentified and there are a number of rumors regarding its developer. The lawn includes an oblong story of stones enclosed by low earthen surfaces, with 15 stones set out in small categories on areas of moss. A fascinating function of the garden’s style is that from any standpoint at least one of the stones is always invisible from the audience.

Ginkaku-ji Temple

Ginkaku-ji temple (The silver pavilion) is a sophisticated temple set in wonderful reasons at the feet of Kyoto’s southern hills. Its reasons are an excellent example of Japanese people scenery structure. Whether one is looking at the getting beside the exclusive sand lawn with its 2-metre silver spool, or strolling the path and capturing glimpses of the Pavilion from different outlook factors, one is regularly aware of the charming information which shift the center. Initially developed as a pension apartment for the Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa (1436-1490) in the Muromachi Period (1338 – 1573), Ginkaku-ji Forehead was made on its sis temple Kinkaku-ji temple (the Fantastic Pavilion). Yet Ginkaku-ji temple was never coated with silver, and the primary temple developing continues to be an unpainted brown–and in its way, indicates the Japanese people concept that something simply can be wonderful.


Kinkaku-ji Temple Kinkaku-ji Temple

Kinkaku-ji temple, is as well-known as the “Golden Pavilion” is one of the best known site in Asia. It is really a amazing site with the Zen Temple’s top two surfaces entirely surrounded in amazing silver foliage. The representation of the glowing silver in the representation lake around the property is truly amazing.nothing is as representational of Kyoto as Kinkaku-ji’s fantastic golden reflection across the rippled the top of it before it. Not even the crowd of visitors — and they come by the countless numbers — can take away from Kinkaku-ji’s unquestionable elegance. The present silver leaf-coated renovation was revealed in 1955, 5 years after the 14th-century unique was torched by one of the temple’s priests.

Kiyomizu-dera Temple

 Kiyomizudera is one of the most recognized or temples of Asia. It was established in 780 on the site of the Otowa Fountain in the forest mountains eastern of Kyoto, and originates its name from the fall’s genuine rich waters. The forehead was initially associated with the Hosso sect, one of most well-known educational institutions within Japanese people Buddhism, but established its own Kita Hosso sect in 1965. In 1994, the forehead was included with the record of UNESCO globe culture websites.

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How To Lose Weight Fast

Are you tired of dragging extra pounds? The best way to lose weight sustainably is to regularly follow a low calorie diet. If you are only looking to get rid of a few pounds quickly, you can achieve your short-term goals by applying one of the many common tricks and weight-loss methods. We invite you to continue reading to find out more about the issue.

method 1

Exercise to lose weight

1. Spend time to do physical exercises.

Indeed, when you start, these exercises allow you to develop your muscles. In addition, they form an essential component of any long-term weight loss plan. Regardless of your workload, if you want to lose weight effectively, you will have to strive to find the time necessary to do sports daily. How quickly you lose weight may also depend on simple exercises, like going to the store to walk instead of drive there.

    • Turn your household chores into physical exercise. Take the stairs regularly, take out the dog three times a day, dust off your furniture, sweep and mop the floor vigorously.
    • Increase the frequency of your walks. Prefer the stairs to the escalators, and park your car as far as possible from the shops.
    • Practice a hobby that allows you to move even if it is not really a physical exercise. You can burn calories by doing activities such as gardening, building small projects, working on your car or playing with animals.

2. Try a physical training program. If you want to lose weight quickly in anticipation of a particular event, and you are not afraid of regaining weight later, you can try an accelerated training program. Many women’s health magazines and even sports halls offer programs of this type designed for visible weight loss after only a few days of training.

3. Be realistic by choosing your exercises before starting a new program. If you are hoping to lose weight sustainably, you will need to do more than an accelerated slimming program. The best way to do this is to choose exercises you already know and appreciate. If you do not like running, do not choose to race your main exercise. Compared to an exercise you enjoy, you will need much more courage every day to train you. Therefore, try different exercises in order to choose the ones you really like, such as swimming, cycling or even Zumba.

    • Remember that games such as volleyball, tennis and even discoplane can help you burn calories. These are also fun and collective exercises that you will probably enjoy on a daily basis.

4Try a cardiovascular training. Medically, it is best to combine cardiovascular exercises and resistance training. Cardiovascular exercises will help you lose weight faster. When choosing, especially think of high performance exercises like aerobics and basic training programs, that is to say with a moderate to high intensity programs .

    • Some cardiovascular movements can help you lose fat quickly, because the weight and strength of the workout can induce your metabolism to work more efficiently.

5. Have an interesting drive .

The variety of exercises is paramount to keep your motivations and keep you healthy. When you do a daily exercise program, you increase the risk of an accident. In addition, you will probably be bored, and your exercises will become less interesting. So if you frequent a gym, do not hesitate to change devices, or practice group sessions and training include some resistance training in your program .

    • Practice moderate aerobic movements. Incorporate into your workouts a fast-paced walk, cycling, exercises with cardiovascular equipment or swimming. Thus, you will burn calories while keeping your heart healthy.
    • Try the dumbbells. Whether you are a man or a woman, resistance training with dumbbells can help you get a lasting benefit by developing your musculature and boosting your metabolism. Slimming methods that combine aerobics with exercises with dumbbells can burn appreciable amounts of fat.

 6. Choose exercises that work your entire body.

So, the different muscle groups will be put to use, and you will burn more calories. It’s like when you do multidisciplinary school exercises. Consider combining a resistance training with another such attempt to lift small weights with your arms while you run or you cycle.

    • Rest for at least 24 to 48 hours between strength training sessions on the same muscle group. For example, work your biceps and abdominal muscles by alternating daily sessions, and refrain from exercising for two days a week.

7. Get enough rest .

Thus, you will be in shape during the day, and you will probably eat less. In addition, you will reduce the risk of an accident during your training. In fact, lack of sleep is linked to an inability to lose weight. Therefore, a good night’s sleep can help you lose weight.

method 2

Diets to Lose Weight Quickly

1. Make a fruit juice cure .

This method is the Hollywood diet name . There are several kinds of fruit juice cures. However, the main idea is to consume only juices prepared from raw fruits and vegetables. The treatment will help your body get rid of toxins and lose weight by making you more alert and healthier .

    • Most cures last from one to three days, and some last up to seven days. You can buy a box containing detoxifying products at a health food store or on the Internet. You can also use your own centrifuge.
    • Be sure to incorporate several vegetables into your cleansing diet. Fruit juice contains a lot of sugar, and if you drink it in large quantities, you risk gaining weight instead of losing it.
    • Among the well-known US products include “Cooler Cleanse,” “Blue Print” and “Life Juice”.

2. Apply the “master cleanse” regime.

This diet, also called lemon diet, includes lemonade lemonade with cayenne pepper, water and maple syrup, salt water and a laxative herbal medicines. The diet lasts for 16 days. The first three days are devoted to familiarizing yourself with the diet by eating only fresh fruits and vegetables. During the next 10 days, the food is only in liquid form. Finally, the last three days are utilized to gradually return to normal diet.

    • Know that this diet is considered more like a detox than a weight loss diet. It is only followed for short-term weight loss.

3Try the water diet.

It is about drinking about eight cups of cold water a day at regular intervals. Drink one before each meal to decrease your appetite. By doing so, you will limit the portions of food you eat during each meal. You will not be hungry and you will decrease your calorie intake.

    • Remember that your meal will not be limited to drink a glass of water only because such a diet can be dangerous if it lasts long. Your body needs food to stay healthy and maintain a strong metabolism. If you drink only water for two or three days, you risk gaining more weight when you resume a normal diet, because the functioning of your metabolism has been exceedingly slow.

4. Try fasting.

In this regime, one takes into account the constitution of the human body which allows us to make bombance and to resist the famine. Thus, simply recreate a famine situation for losing weight. In this diet, it means taking only 500 calories if you are a woman, or 600 calories if you are a man, and this for two days a week. During these days of fasting, you will have to eat only vegetables, seeds, legumes and fruit.

    • This diet does not exempt you from your training sessions during fasting days and other days as well.
    • Before following this diet, begin by fasting for half a day to see your body’s reaction.

method 3

Carry out a feeding program

1. Calculate the calories you need.

Knowing the minimum number of calories your body needs to function properly will help you make your own diet plan in order to lose weight quickly and sustainably. Your calorie requirements depend on your age, gender, number of activities and intensity. You can use an online calculator to determine the daily intake of calories you need  .

    • You can also determine your daily amount of food by contacting a dietician or doctor. It will help you clarify your goals, your particular dietary needs and how to improve your plan.
    • Establish a feeding plan. Choose healthy, balanced meals consisting of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, good fats and lean protein. A typical meal should consist of 50% vegetables or fruits and 50% complete seeds or lean protein.
    • To start losing weight today, you can examine the “DASH” diet against high blood pressure or the “TLC” diet that lowers the bad cholesterol level. Other plans might suit you, like the regime “Mayo Clinic” diet recommended by the British organization “Weight Watcher” or the regime “Volumetrics” also known under the name of energy density. Do an online search for information on diets and foods that will help you achieve your diet plan.

2. Eat foods that reduce your appetite.

Taking balanced meals, you will be able to reduce your calorie intake and decrease your appetite . Therefore, you will not risk undermining your slimming plan by eating a lot. Some foods have the property of giving you a feeling of satiety for a long time. Try adding the following foods to your diet:

    • grapefruit,
    • The gruel,
    • apples,
    • eggs,
    • ginger,
    • the dried fruit,
    • Leafy vegetables,
    • potatoes,
    • The dark chocolate,
    • Spicy foods.

3. Keep a food journal.

Note for a full week the approximate quantities of meals, snacks and drinks you consume. This method will help you to know your diet and stay healthy. If possible, record the number of calories for each meal or snack you eat.

    • Do not forget to include coffee blends, condiments and other products that go into your daily diet

4Consider the factors that trigger your urge to eat.

These factors are activities that prompt you to snack. For some people, it is about watching a movie at night, or late watching to revise. If you know your factors, you will be able to make arrangements, like having on hand a sufficient amount of healthy snacks.

    • If you do not buy unhealthy foods for your snacks, you will greatly reduce the risk of sabotaging your diet.

5Pay attention to your food intake .

Indicate appropriate amounts of these rations in your diet plan. For example, a healthy snack of dried almonds and cranberries can bring you a lot of calories if you do not pay attention to quantities. Moreover, the preparation of predetermined rations can help you avoid overeating, and familiarize you with your snacks.

    • The consumption of snacks with very high taste can last longer and better meet your desires. A small bar of dark chocolate is delicious, it takes a while to melt and is enough to satisfy you. On the other hand, milk chocolate bars would barely satisfy your desire. A candy meets your desire immediately and makes you forget the food. A dark beer can satisfy you, although it is not very drinkable, and probably you will not take just one.
    • Make a list of the ingredients needed to prepare your meals, and keep your list when shopping. By reviewing the flyers distributed by supermarkets, you will probably have ideas, and you will save money by buying items and seasonal products.

6. Do not skip meals.

When you take a good breakfast, you will increase your metabolism, you will be in better shape and you will resist better the desire to have a calorie-laden snack later. Plan to take a small snack or a meal every two or four hours to keep your metabolism active. By eating at regular intervals, you will maintain a constant level of sugar in the blood, and you will reduce bad calories or deviations from your nutrition plan.

7. Resist the temptation to draw from the shelves of your convenience store.

Do not use soft drinks, cookies, ice creams, pizzas and other foods loaded with fats and highly processed. Thus, you will reduce your chances of buying products not recommended for health. If you do not see these products, they will not tempt you

8. Intelligently replace the very caloric products you love.

You can choose to consume a recommended health product to replace another one that you prefer, but that contains a lot of sugars and fats. Replacing processed foods high in calories by other healthier, you increase your chances of losing weight faster.

    • Consider following a vegetarian diet for a few days a week. By replacing meat with nutritious foods such as beans, tofu or lentils, you can significantly reduce your daily calories while adding several nutrients to your diet.
    • Take delicious fruit for dessert instead of a processed biscuit or cake.
    • For snacks, replace chips and sweet bars with nutritious foods that contain little fat and calories. Try combining cheese sticks and a handful of grapes, spreading crackers with peanut butter, or plunge red pepper into a few tablespoons of hummus.
    • Try to consume vinegar or lemon juice instead of your ranch sauce or your blue cheese vinaigrette.
    • Prepare your dishes by replacing the butter with a spoonful of olive oil

9. Refrain from drinking sugary drinks.

Drink water, tea, black coffee or Seltzer water instead of drinking soft drinks, energy drinks, flavored coffee or martinis. Reducing the intake of calories by substitution is often much easier than you think. For example, a large cream coffee in the morning can bring you 500 calories. Knowing that a pound of body fat lost or won is equivalent to about 3500 calories, you understand the value of replacement by a white coffee black coffee to lose a pound a week .

    • To avoid taking hundreds more calories per day, consider drinking water instead of taking a soft drink, coffee, alcohol, juice or milk. By increasing your water intake, you will help your body to assimilate the food you are taking. In addition, you will be fit, and you will get the most out of your physical exercises.
    • If, for a week, you drink water instead of your other drinks, you will definitely lose weight faster, and you will see a dramatic improvement in your strength and even your appearance.




Taj-Mahal , UNESCO World Heritage Site


Located in Agra in northern India, this is an immense white marble funerary mausoleum built between 1631 and 1648 by order of emperor Sha Jahan in memory of his favourite wife, who died giving birth to her fourteen child.

How to go to Agra?

Agra is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, about 200 km from Delhi.

Plane: Approximately one hour flight from Delhi via Kingfisher Airlines and Air India Regional , both making the Delhi – Agra Jaipur tourist triangle. This is not the cheapest option and  expect  to delay.

Train: many trains connect Agra from the big cities of he country, but if you go there in December – January it is possible that the journey is very long due to the reduced visibility. Indeed at this period Agra and Delhi are covered by fog and the trains have to roll slowly for more security , but in normal time the train puts between 2th and 5th . From New Delhi the two best trains are the Bhopal Shatabdi  Express and the Taj Express.

The main railway station is called Agra Cantt and is located in the south –west of the Taj and Agra Fort. From the train station you can take a taxi or rickshaw to a hotel (150 rupees/ 50 rupees).

If you arrive from the east of the country you may arrive at Agra Fort Station .

By Bus: about 4 to 5 hours from Delhi , with two bus stations in Agra: Idgah  Bus Stand and ISBT (inter state bus terminal).

To move to Agra you will have to negotiate with taxi and rickshaw drivers, they may also take you to their cousin’s workshop to buy carpets or other , as they get a commission, so tell them Although you are not interested in shopping.

If you are several  the  most economical is to hire a taxi by the day by agreeing before on the total price and the place you want go.

Where to sleep and eat?

Note: in Agra beware of monkeys at hang around and do not hesitate to snoop in the rooms in the rooms and poke a stuff (be careful if you have a plastic on  the street).

Sleeping :  You will find plenty of guesthouses and other hotel around the Taj Mahal, for all prices. The most  ex pensive  offer a view of the Taj so ask the question before. If your hotel does not have internet you will find internet cafes without problem in Agra.

Generally the hotels near the Taj are of poor quality . It is up to you to see where you prefer to stay  according to your feeling. Any way you will spend more time on the roofs spying on what is happening at the street level and admiring the Taj in the distance.

Eating : Same, full of restaurants, either in the guesthouse where you stay either next door, and prices increase more or less depending on the view of the Taj. Go where there are people.

How much does it cost?

The entry of the  Taj Mahal costs 750 Rupees and gives only one entrance, if you go out and want to re-enter it will have to repay 750 rupees.

It is also possible to visit the Taj Mahal during the full moon, but  the visit lasts only half an hour, between 20:30 and midnight, and you have to book your ticket one day in advance. Groups are 50 people maximum.

You can also hire an official guide for 900 rupees for a half day tour of the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. Un official guides will offer their services for less expensive but will probably want to take you to buy rugs at their cousin after the visit . Some can tell you that the guide service is included in the entrance fee, which is wrong.

When to go?

  • The Taj open from 6 am to 7 pm every day except Friday. The best is to go early in the morning or late afternoon to avoid tourists and heat.
  • If you go between September  and April you will avoid the heat of summer which can rise up to 45 degree C.
  • Better to ask your hotel at what time the sun rises to avoid having to wait several hours in the dark unnecessarily.
  • In winter ( December – February) do not bother to get up early to see the sun rise as there is a lot of mist in the morning. You may also be cold in some guesthouses and hotels, especially since it is very wet.
  • Basically, the best time to visit Taj is September/November and end February / March.

Discover the Taj Mahal and the other sites of Agra:

A few things to know before visiting the Taj:

  • Do not forget to ask for protections for your shoes at the ticket office at the entrance .
  • You will not be able to enter with a bag so leave your belongings at the hotel and just pick up your camera. There are lockers to the wicket where you can leave your bag but they are small , so be sure to leave everything at the hotel .
  • It is forbidden to take food in the  Taj Mahal.
  • It is forbidden to make noise and take pictures in the mausoleum.
  • Laptops / smart phone are allowed.
  • The tripods for camera are forbidden
  • Dress modestly : do not forget that this is a tomb, with mosques located inside the site.v     e to zoom)
  • It is also possible to admire the Taj Mahal from several other places : either on the other side of the Yamuna river, no need to pay ! The best is to go there at sunset; From the fort of Agra ( you have to zoom ) and finally , the best, from the cafes and hotels located on the roofs of the buildings around the Taj.

The Taj Mahal:

Taj - Mahal

For all the architectural   I invite you  to go to the UNESCO site.

To put it simply , the Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum built on a pink sandstone basement and surrounded by  a garden with canals and fountains. It is about a hundred meters wide and 56 meters high and encrusted with semi – precious stones . Passages of the quran are also inscribed on it , which one does not necessarily see at first glance.

Several interesting facts about the Taj Mahal:


  • It was built between 1631 and 1648 ( 17 years old). The mosque, guest pavilion and main entrance to the south as well as the outer courtyard and its cloisters were later added and completed in 1653 .
  • It was built by Emperor Sha Jahan in memory for his favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal , who died giving birth to her 14th child!
  • It is built entirely  of marble of the finest quality from Rajasthan in India, China , Sri Lanka, Arabia , Tibet and Afghanistan.
  • Its architecture is a fusion of Persian, Islamic and Central Asian style.
  • 1100 elephants were used to transport the materials needed foe its construction, and 22000 workers worked to build it.
  • It is said that the craftsmen and experienced workers who designed the Taj had their hands cut off so as not to repeat such a work (of nothing).
  • The four minarets at each corner of the Taj Mahal are 40 meters high and are divided into three parts with a balcony at the top.
  • They are constructed so as to collapse on the outside in the event of an earthquake.
  •  The pollution, due to in particular to the 1700 factories around Agra causes the Taj Mahal to become more and more yellow.
  • According to the time of day and also according to the light of the moon it appears of different colors.
  •  It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.
  • A  second Taj Mahal in black marble had to be built opposite it but its construction was canceled because of the wars between the emperor and his sons.
  • It is visited by about 3 to 4 million people per year including 200,000 from different countries .
  • The Taj Mahal was built on the banks of the Yamuna River.
  • Geologists think that the Taj-Mahal is “sinking” because of its not solid foundations .
  • Some historians believe that it was an Italian, Geronimo Veroneo, who designed the Taj- Mahal and  not the architect Ustad Ahmad Lahauri.
  • The construction of the Taj Mahal cost 32 million rupees at the time, or about one billion euros at the present time.
  • *Many precious stones were torn from the walls during wars and looting , but also by the British during the Indian rebellion in 1857.

Alternatives To Microsoft Picture Manager

We all know that Microsoft Picture Manager is a very powerful tool for image management, either professionally or simply amateurishly, but fortunately there are several equally powerful alternatives. In today’s post we will explore the most popular alternatives to Microsoft Picture Manager.

Top 5 alternatives to Microsoft Picture Manager

Let’s start with the alternative software listing to Picture Manager so that you can leave behind the Microsoft app, and start using other alternatives equal or better.

1. PhotoScape

PhotoScape is interesting viewer, organizer and also affordable image editor whatever your level of knowledge. It really has everything you need to be able to manipulate photos on your computer and its results for everyday use are very attractive.

2. Photo Pos Pro

Photo Pos Pro is an interesting graphic editor specialized mainly in photographs and with which you can retouch any image until satiety. In Photo Pos Pro you will also find a variety of tools, as well as filters and effects with which you can correct and improve your creations.

 3. Paint.NET

If you need something more powerful than Microsoft Paint, but not as complex as Photoshop, Paint.NET is what you are looking for.

This interesting photo editor so well designed, offers a wide variety of powerful tools and options that you are sure to find only in the big programs.

Paint.NET gives you the possibility of simultaneously editing several images (large or small), allows you to work in layers, save a history of changes (versions) that you have done so that you can undo them easily, and As if that were not enough, includes a large variety of drawing tools (such as brushes and geometric shapes).

4. Google Photos

Google Photos, or just Photos, is the new Google image gallery (formerly Picasa). You can make a backup in the cloud of all your photos, apply curious effects and organize your entire gallery automatically, as if by magic.

Google Photos would be replacing the Photos section that was installed next to Google+. Before it also had many pretty interesting functions, but it is now when it has made a jump of quite quality.

 5. VSO Image Resizer

It is another of the alternatives that we bring for you, in this case, the tool additionally to the handling of the images, offers a powerful and advanced graphic engine that allows to make resize or resize in a fast and efficient way.

Its installation is extremely simple and its use quite intuitive, so virtually any user with basic computer skills can operate without any problem