How to Maintain an Efficient Assembly Line

Assembly line productivity has always been important, but today’s highly competitive business landscape is making it crucial for business survival. The era of ‘lean manufacturing’ is here! This is where companies streamline their assembly lines with the aim of removing waste and boosting performance. Let’s take a closer look at what it entails.

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The Need for Efficiency

According to the latest surveys carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the challenges faced by businesses include the cost of materials, competition and insufficient domestic demand.

Lean Manufacturing Explained

Lean manufacturing can be described as a system that eliminates waste. This includes waste created because the assembly line is overburdened or because there is an uneven workload. Anything that does not add value is eliminated. The concept has its origins in the ‘just-in-time’ production method pioneered by car giant Toyota several decades ago.

Machinery for Lean Manufacturing

New and innovative machinery such as electric tapping machines can make assembly lines more efficient. The examples shown at can speed up the assembly process without compromising the quality of the work. This reduces defects, which results in waste reduction and improved productivity.

Assessing If an Assembly Line Is Lean

The foundation step of lean manufacturing is the initial assessment of the assembly line. During this stage, foundational inefficiencies can be detected, a deep understanding of processes can be gained and the best place to introduce lean methods can be identified.

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Using a Value Stream Map

A value stream map is a simple way to picture the flow of information and materials through your assembly line. It starts at the raw material intake stage and ends with the delivery of the final product. It makes it much easier to identify bottlenecks and unnecessarily complex processes. You can also spot redundancies that can both use up resources and slow down production.

A useful addition to the value stream map is an employee feedback system. Frontline workers can provide invaluable insights into where inefficiencies are found and what can be done to remove them.

Hi, I am Donald Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life.