eight excellen tips for novice gardeners

Everyone has dreamed of ever having a beautiful, green and lush garden. However, reality usually imposes its criteria in the form of lack of time and lack of resources and ends up giving the fret with such a beautiful dream. It is also possible that it is not all the skill that I thought.

1. What do you want to do with your garden?A place for children to play? A garden?Or a sea of ​​flowers?

It is difficult to combine al l these desires and desires. Therefore, it is advisable to set certain limits, at least at the beginning. And is that, creating your particular Eden will take your time. Before starting to work, you must consider the various functions that the garden should fulfill. If it should include, for example, places to sit, play or bedding

2. Take it easy …

If you are a new owner of a house or an apartment with a garden or a plantation, you would do well to take the first season very calmly. It is not strange to find, covered by the dark earth, the dreams of the previous owner of the garden. Not in vain, many plants are perennial and bloom every year. In other areas, however, you will have to dig thoroughly to revitalize them.

3. How far can you go by yourself?

The key is to achieve the balance between available time, knowledge and economic possibilities.For many gardeners, much of the charm lies precisely in doing all the work on their own. Others, for their part, prefer to hire the services of garden designers or professional landscapers. However, it is not usual to be completely alone: ​​you can always ask the neighbors for help, at least.

4. What are the climatic conditions of the area where you live?

 Many different types of rusticity can be given in the same country. For this reason, a good measure is to consult at some garden center or nursery. These dependencies usually offer all the necessary data about the vegetation, the climate and the soil of the zone. Buying plants blindly, without proper information before, is usually expensive.

5. Height, time and color

When you are planting a bed, you have to consider three very simple things: height, time and color. Make sure, first, to select species whose flowering periods overlap, in order to delay the season. It is also advisable to combine colors with complementary nuances. Finally, make sure that the tallest plants do not deprive light to the lowest.

 6. Quality bears its fruits

It is not difficult to find cheap tools and flowers on offer at any supermarket, it is true. As also it is that no plant will flourish in oligotrophic soils nor of poor quality. Tools should last for more than one season. To do this, buy tools and materials of good quality. It is always better to buy fewer things, but better and more expensive, since they will last much longer.

7. Share with your friends and neighbors

Not everyone has to have their own lawn mower or cultivator. Borrow it from a neighbor or come to an agreement among several people to share the expenses of purchasing good quality products. You can also exchange plants and bulbs with friends and neighbors as well as share tricks and strategies and help one another when lifting heavy objects. Just do not forget to invite them to a party in the garden as thanks.

8. Useful tools for a novice gardener

 • A digging shovel
• A rake
• A mower
• Scissors for pruning rose bushes
• Cutters
• An irrigation hose and sprinklers

Six tips to change business management

In fact, a number of the best small businesses have developed and succeeded by implementing some of these principles.

Today we are seeing an increasing dynamics of global and sectoral changes. In this regard, the need for organizations to adapt is increasing, and the topic of change management becomes even more urgent.

In this article we highlighted the most popular advice that helps to reveal the breadth and, most importantly, the beauty of the issue:

  1. Create a vision;
  2. Make a clear plan;
  3. Plan the first achievable steps;
  4. Give up the past;
  5. Involve employees;
  6. Create the conditions.

Let’s talk about each of them.

Create a vision

Vision is a powerful tool for managing organizational change. It helps to overcome the problems associated with the uncertainty of the future, do not squander resources, motivate employees.

To realize this advice, when implementing strategic changes, you can use the most popular in the management of changes eight-step approach of J. Kotter . According to him, it is necessary to form an influential team of reformers who are defined with a vision of the future and distribute it in the company. Starting organizational changes from creating a picture of the desired future, it becomes possible to break the bonds that hold the organization together and move forward.

In this regard, we recall a curious case from the consulting practice, when, by entrusting the group with strategic planning to work on the definition of VISION, the managing owner went on a business trip. When he returned and got acquainted with the results, he gave out a pearl: “This is not vizhin, but illusions.”

Give up the past

Before you move anywhere, change your organization and yourself, you need to reset the shackles of the past. Openly, without prejudice, look at the current situation, determine which skills that led to success, are outdated. If this is not done, if you do not help employees rethink their habitual behavior and thinking, a look into the future will be produced through the shadows of established habits and stereotypes. In general, according to this advice, if we create a vision without first abandoning the past, we will be limited to the stereotypes of the outdated experience.

The most popular this advice was due to the model of U. Bridges , consisting of three stages: completion; Neutral zone; a new beginning.

It was used by her in a construction corporation that performs work in the harsh conditions of the Far North. When key customers reduced financing for capital construction, the structure of the industry began to change dramatically. The requirements to the quality and efficiency of the results of SMR have been raised, which entailed a change in the business model. But the problem was that the rules of the game on the market were not yet clearly formed. The management of the company decided not to hurry with the conclusion of new contract agreements. The organization began to panic, which is natural for a neutral zone of transition to a new one. The owner singled out the key employees, discussed with them the conditions for future cooperation, thereby preserving the backbone of the company. More than 70% of the staff, feeling fear in the neutral zone, gradually retired, thereby saving the organization from ballast and expanding the possibilities in search of new solutions.

Make a clear plan

The more clearly formulated goals and activities to achieve them is the more likely the positive result of organizational change. The classical model of change management, which underlies many modern approaches, offers:

  1. Describe the current state of the organization AS IS;
  2. Determine the desired state HOW TO BE;
  3. To formulate WHAT IT IS NECESSARY TO DO.

Such an algorithm has proven itself in cases where the formalization of the company’s activities takes place, where it is possible to calculate the key parameters of the organizational transformation. In this case, change management can simply be reduced to project management. For example, the central office of the sales office of a Western company moved to a new building in a more prestigious part of the city. These guys had everything strictly regulated up to the sockets.

But the human factor was not paid enough attention, and two of the best sellers resigned. A couple of months, the chief executive asked this question and it turned out that the sellers who had left the company were also young mothers who took the children to the nearest garden. It was necessary to somehow decide the issue of the return of excellent salesmen in the system and for them they allocated a car that brought and drove the workers to the office.

Plan for the first achievable steps

The future is difficult to determine, so hard planning of activities is not possible. Relying on this assertion, A.I. Prigogine offers a way to achieve the vision of the company to break down into main stages. The distance between the stages is determined not by time intervals, but by the occurrence of the expected events. Therefore, there is no binding to a rigid time frame.

But the measures for the first stage, which includes only achievable goals, are clearly defined. In the event that the end of the first stage has come to an end, it becomes possible to plan a move to the next event.

This approach was applied in the company that is engaged in the distribution of information technology. Management has been concerned about the changes that are imminent in the industry. To this end, the business game “Ship” was conducted, which allowed to describe the picture of the future and the place of the company in it. The formulated vision of the organization in the long term served as the basis for the development of the strategy and the initial concrete steps.

Involve employees

If a person tries to force him to do what he does not like, it inevitably causes resistance . Therefore, involving employees in the work on the new state of the organization, we increase the likelihood of success and effectiveness of the changes.

In this we can help the three-factor model R. Kanter. She draws attention to the fact that it is important for employees to exercise their skills, contribute to the common cause and understand why all this is necessary.

Once, within the framework of the implementation of the quality management system (QMS), I encountered a negative attitude, a categorical distrust of changes from the chief engineer of the company. The employee was key and the radical way of dismissal did not fit. Therefore, the chief engineer was invited to participate in the QMS meetings as a critic. In the end, he did not become an apologist for the QMS, but made an invaluable contribution to the development of the system and did not engage in undercover games, sabotage the introduction of innovations.

Create conditions

A person has a program of behavior for similar conditions, is able to adapt to new ones. It remains only to create conditions and put staff there.

In the practice of managing a simple way to create conditions, there can be simply an insistent demand for employees. So, when introducing risk-based thinking in companies, I suggest managers refuse to listen to opinions, suggestions of employees to solve problems without specifying risks and opportunities. When the leadership is persistent, the approach is quickly instilled.

An example of how the reception works with creating conditions is the Stanford prison experiment – ordinary students, randomly divided into supervisors and prisoners, so quickly entered new roles that in a week’s time, for the safety of participants, it was decided to roll back the study.

Movavi Photo Editor Review

When you want to edit a photo for the first time, it is only natural to be a bit apprehensive. Odds are you’ve heard all about how complicated editing can be, and some of the editors you’ve seen in the past may not have instilled you with much confidence. Still, photo editing is so useful nowadays that it is something you can’t afford to ignore – and your best bet is to find an easier way to approach it.Continue reading →

9 simple rules that stylish women observe every day

A stylish and well-groomed appearance is a daily work. And while some envy their girlfriends, women of fashion, others start to develop useful habits. Nine elementary rules will help the fair sex representatives always look fashionable and stylish.

Image Source: Google Image

1. Stylish girls always prepare clothes for tomorrow evening

To look tomorrow at 100, you need to think over your image tonight. This habit will save you from the morning vanity, disguises in search of a better option and late. Of course, in this case, you need to take into account the weather forecast for the next day.

2. Stylish girls always choose the right underwear

Correctly selected underwear – this is the basis of any successful image, because it forms a silhouette and emphasizes the figure.

3. Stylish girls always dress for the weather

Of course, to look good and feel comfortable, the fair sex must dress in accordance with the weather outside the window.

4. Stylish girls always wear only the clothes that suit them

When choosing clothes, it is worth considering the type of figure, lifestyle and external data.

5. Stylish girls skillfully dilute simple clothes with bright details

With the help of quality accessories, even jeans and a T-shirt can be turned into a chic outfit. It can be a scarf or leather belt, a massive earring or bracelet, a branded bag or hat. However, bright accents should not be much, otherwise the image will become congested.

6. Stylish girls always change their clothes when they come home

Returning home, you need to immediately change clothes, then the clothes will not crumble and longer will remain fresh.

7. Stylish girls are always ready for emergencies

A needle with a thread, a pair of pins and an adhesive plaster are the things that must necessarily be in a women’s handbag in case a button suddenly breaks off, lightning strikes or natrut new shoes.

8. Fashionable girls always remain true to their own style

Stylish women always know what is right for them, and in what clothes they look most attractive. If a thing does not suit them, they will not wear it, even if it is the most fashionable trend. They never follow the trends blindly, so they always have what to wear.

9. Stylish girls always know when to give preference to heels and when to low speed

In some situations, heels look ridiculous, and a low move is too easy. Choose shoes in accordance with the event and the regime of the day. Although, the designer from Paris made a real revolution in the fashion world and released a collection of shoes .

How to Make Natural Air Fresheners for the Kitchen

Surely on more than one occasion you have been able to see how when cooking certain dishes are generated odors in the kitchen not very pleasant that end up even extending to the rest of the house.

Cookings of cabbages, legumes, baked, grilled fish, fried or preparations that burn leave very persistent odors even if we connect the extractor or fan. However, you can easily create natural home air fresheners that will help you to perfume the environment in a pleasant, economic and healthy way. Do you want some ideas on how to make natural home air fresheners?

Aroma to caramel, back to childhood

This aroma is especially pleasant, very simple to achieve and very effective against bad odors. In addition the aroma of caramel will make you travel to childhood as it will remind you of those wonderful puddings made by our grandmothers. To make a natural caramel air freshener you just have to put in a frying pan or a casserole 100 grams of sugar with two tablespoons of water and a lemon. Once done, put it on the fire and stir until you get the sugar to brown and have the proper texture . To take advantage of it, make small medallions with the aid of a spoonful of dessert, placing small tablespoons on a fountain. When it hardens, you can take them as natural candy .

Perfume the house with citrus and other seasonal fruits

Citrus are also great allies to combat the odors that are generated in the kitchen . With orange or lemon peel you will get an aroma that always transmits cleaning. To make this natural air freshener, put the skin of one or two oranges covered in water in a saucepan and let them cook for 30 minutes on medium-low heat with the saucepan uncovered so that the aromas flow. If you see the water evaporating, you can add more to lengthen the cooking time as needed.

The fruit in general is very aromatic, if you like the smell of apple and spices you can boil an apple with peeled skin in 8 parts with a spice clove. In autumn, an aroma that can go very well to the house is the quince , a nice freshener that you can also get boiling this fruit with water in a pot uncovered.

Smell the field at home

Having aromas in the field indoors is truly inspiring. A trick to making a natural odorator with field odor is to infuse a generous bouquet of thyme or rosemary in water and let it cook for thirty minutes.

To neutralize persistent odors

The aroma of coffee is a very good choice for persistent odors. To achieve this aroma, simply roast a few grains of coffee in the plate or in the pan and in just a few minutes the kitchen will be perfumed. Another way to combat strong odors, like the fried ones , is by boiling water with a good stream of vinegar and some cloves.

Beautiful beaches of Bali and Lombok

Bali beach

If Bali and Lombok are known for their magnificent scenery and lush vegetation, they are also perfect destinations for those who dream of fine sand and turquoise water! Here is our selection of the ten most beautiful beaches of these dream islands.


Jimbaran Beach

If Jimbaran , a small fishing town on the southern peninsula of Bali, does not offer much interest (except for its market ), its beach is sublime. Long white sand beach which occupies a whole bay, it is the ideal destination with children. In the morning, arrive before noon to see the fishermen’s boats returning to the port.  A candlelit dinner? In the evenings, the restaurants that line the beach have their tables on the sand and grill the fish you have chosen, on the barbecue. Relaxed and festive atmosphere thanks to the small lights and candles …

Nusa  dua

Situated on the Bukit peninsula in the south of the island, this beach is one of the best known in Bali. The calm sea is conducive to swimming, which is perfect with children. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most touristy beaches, with luxury hotels lining it, and a shopping mall nearby. It is nevertheless recommended for its animated evenings.  A delicious swim? Pay attention to the tides, you can only swim at high tide.


With its family and urban ambience, trendy boutiques and fashionable bars, Seminyak, on the west coast of Bali and north of Kuta, is a popular destination. The night owls who wish to hoist their feet in the sand until dawn will be delighted! Long beach of fine sand, it is the starting point of a nice walk until Berawa. Beginners can also learn surfing.  A favorite address? La Plancha (0878.6141.6310.), A small beach hut with acid colors in front of the sea, is perfect for a cocktail while watching the sunset, and is famous for its Friday evenings, at the end of the night.

Padang padang

Located on the way to Uluwatu, south of Bali, this romantic cove accessible by a stone staircase has become the favorite destination of the newlyweds. This beach combines diving, swimming and surfing: there is something for all tastes! Only fault: it is becoming quite touristy.  A tip? In the evening, come back to eat a grilled fish on the deserted beach, feet in the water … Happiness!

Amed Beach

Situated to the east of Bali, in the shadow of the Gunung Agung volcano, this beach is different from the others because it is made of fine black volcanic sand, which gives it a wild side. The sunsets are magnificent and the seabed superb.  A traditional festival? In the small town of Amed, you can listen to the boys and girls of the village who gather to play traditional music.

The Gili Islands

The beaches of the Gili Islands The island of Gili consists of three dream islands off the north-west coast of the island of Lombok.The Gili Islands , with their beautiful scenery and white sandy beaches, are the ideal place to relax, Of coconut juice by hand. The sea is full of turtles and fish that are easily observed, for the pleasure of all. In the evening, the atmosphere is to party and relax.  An original mode of transport? On these islands where you only travel by foot or by bike, go and test the cidomos , local horse carts (about 50000 rp, about 3 €).

Nusa Lembongan

Beaches of Nusa Lembongan This island of southeast Bali, with its magnificent panorama of Mount Agung and its surroundings, will seduce you with its wild character and, of course, its sandy beaches with turquoise waters. These are usually deserted so it is a good way to avoid the crowded beaches of southern Bali while staying within minutes of the world’s best snorkeling and diving spots.   The dive sites of Nusa Lembongan are renowned for their beauty and diversity. On the other hand, watch out for the currents, which are strong enough; Diving with children in Nusa Lembongan is strongly discouraged.

Nusa Penida

Atuh Beach

This beach, located on the island of Nusa Penida in the south-east of Bali, is still little known to tourists, and therefore quite tranquil. The morning is relaxing, while the afternoon the beach comes alive: the adults gather seaweed, the little boys play the kite and the girls sell lovely bracelets and pearl necklaces.  A scooter ride? Rent a scooter and go around the island. You will see the mangrove and discover the lifestyle of the inhabitants, who still live to the rhythm of the customs and traditions.


Lombok beach
Lombok beach

Mawun Beach

Located south of Lombok, it is a perfect cove with emerald water. Rapidly deep, it is ideal for swimming. It is surrounded by verdant hills and trees, which is nice. This idyllic beach is hidden at the end of a rather sinuous road, but persevere because it is worth a look! There are rarely more than 20 tourists, so it is the perfect beach to lie on its towel and enjoy the sun and calm.

Allow 5000 rp to park your scooter, as parking is subject to charge.

Selong Blanak

Beach Still south of Lombok, the road leading to this beach is very pretty and offers a good overview of the local rural life and the surrounding rice fields. Selong Blanak enjoys a family atmosphere and is a very good spot for apprentices surfers.  Take a little height and watch the sunset over Selong Blanak Bay. Simply breathtaking.

10 exercises that burn calories better than running

If you run a kilometer in 6.5 minutes, you burn about 10 calories per minute. Run faster – you’ll burn more. But if you do not particularly like to run, there are other exercises that will help you burn no less calories. We offer you 10 such. The path will not be needed.

Mach of weight.

This explosive exercise develops large, powerful muscles around your buttock muscles and quadriceps. In a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin, participants during the 20-minute workout burned 20.2 calories per minute, and the pulse rose to 93% of the maximum. According to the trainer on power training from Salt Lake City, Dan John, the effectiveness of this exercise lies in its unaccustomed.

Rowing simulator.

As scientists from Harvard found out, an 84-kilogram man can burn 377 calories in half an hour of violent rowing, which is 12.5 calories per minute. Rowing involves the muscles of the arms, legs and back, which means that it is an excellent exercise for the whole body.


Spartan coach Jeff Godin says that the 82-kilogram guy burns 1.43 calories per burr. So if you can do at least seven per minute, then you’ll burn at least 10 calories during this time. But according to the report at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, it is better to make an average of at least 10 bpm per minute, burning 14.3 calories, because at this rate your metabolism will equal the 30-second sprint on a full bike.

Exercise bike with progressive load.

Sounds crazy, but according to the club manager Gym Jones Rob MacDonald, on such a machine you can burn 87 calories per minute. The main thing is to put it on full in these 60 seconds. Note: there is no scientific data on this, we relied on the testimony of the simulator itself.

The skipping rope.

According to Compendium of Physical Activities, this exercise at an average rate of about 100-120 rotations per minute – allows burning about 13 calories per minute. In this mode, the exercise uses more muscle than running, and also trains your balance and coordination, especially if you complicate the usual jumps.


If you have not tried it yet, we recommend. You can burn up to 1,500 calories per hour on this bike, which is almost 25 calories per minute. He obeys any type of roads and impassability at any time of the year. In reality, of course, your calorie consumption will depend heavily on your physical shape and endurance, as well as your skills. But you will like this training in any case.


According to scientists from the Kennesaw State University, this day-training cross-training complex (WOD) helps burn an average of 13 calories per minute. Its effectiveness consists of a combination of three exercises – 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 “air” squats, each of which involves different muscle groups. Within 20 minutes, you must do as many rounds as possible. If you are in good shape, put yourself immediately to the full, without stopping and resting. If you are not so good (like most ordinary people), just rest when you need it, even if it’s between exercises.

Cross-country skiing.

This loads the heart more than running, because you have to push the lower part of the body and pull the upper part. According to the Compendium of Physical Activities, a good run on skis allows burning more than 12 calories per minute. So that’s why Scandinavian skiers so often fall down in exhaustion after the finish.

Jumping out of the squat over the protocol of tobacco.

According to scientists from the University of Auburn in Montgomery, performing this exercise on the protocol of tobacco – 20 seconds for a full, 10 seconds rest, for four minutes – allows burning 13.4 calories per minute and doubling the metabolic rate for at least half an hour after The end of training.

Two parallel ropes.

In a recent comparison at the New Jersey State College of different training styles, exercises with two parallel ropes took first place in total oxygen consumption and average calories burned (10.3 per minute).

What to consider when buying a heated towel rail

Once upon a time, heated towel rails were only a feature of those sprawling bathrooms that most of us could only dream of ever owning. Today, they provide practical, stylish and affordable value to many of us. Here are five important factors to help you make the right choice for your home:

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Which power option suits me best?

A central heating connection means your heated towel rail operates just like standard bathroom radiators.

Electric is suitable for limited or zero access to central heating. Set up is easy, economical and provides a great source of warmth for both towels and bathroom. However, as with all things electrical, please pay attention to safety standards.

Dual fuel connects to your central heating as well as its own electric heating element – useful when your central heating is switched off in warmer months.

What size do I need?

As with bathroom radiators, size is determined by the size of your bathroom. Don’t forget to factor in the available wall-to-floor space, how many people use the bathroom, and whether it can double as extra drying space for clothes.

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How much heat do I need?

You need to know the hourly output of BTU (British Thermal Unit) generated by your heated towel rail to determine how effective it will be in the space you have. A higher hourly BTU offers the most efficient heated towel rail for your bathroom. While this may remind you of school sums, there’s no need to worry. Here’s a snazzy and free calculator that does all the BTU calculations for you: www.calculator.net/btu-calculator.html.

What’s the best finish and style for my bathroom?

The variety of designs offering your bathroom an extra dusting of sparkle and style can be overwhelming. The best are as practical as they are pretty, such as these: http://apolloradiators.co.uk/Category/43/header/57/bathroom-radiator-ranges.

How do I stay within my budget?

Be realistic and focus on your needs. A central heating towel rail may seem to be your best option, but a dual fuel connection might save you money, because you can heat the bathroom without the cost of heating your entire home.

Taking the time to look at all the factors involved alongside your specific needs and style requirements is worth its weight in gold.


How to Proper Care of ORCHID

Take care of Orchid Flower

All the techniques to preserve and maintain your Orchids. I  give  you all advice to make you enjoy this plant longer. Light, watering orchids, temperature, specificity, growth, all these aspects will have more secrets for you. In the natural state, orchids grow in branches and on tree stumps / trunks, moss, rocks, and usually near a stream or river to combine heat and humidity.

 Orchids need a lot of light

By nature, orchids need a lot of light in our latitudes, unlike their country of origin (Thailand,) where they often grow in shady areas because the sun is too intense. However, attention must be paid to how to position them according to the season. Indeed, the luminosity being different, it is important to change the position of the orchids according to the seasons . In summer, prefer to place the orchid away from the sun’s rays that tend to burn the leaves. The place chosen must remain very bright. If your windows have a veil or a blind, this may be ideal, but think about avoiding prolonged shadows . If you have the opportunity, give them a sunbath for a few hours. In winter, position your orchids near a window where in a brightest place possible . The days being shorter and often with grisaille, it is necessary to give the plant the possibility to catch a maximum of light. If some days are sunny, do not be afraid to leave it in the sun. However, avoid areas of drafts and changes in temperature.

How to spot a lack of light on an orchid?

When the orchid lacks light, the plant tends to form leaves that are longer and shorter than the previous leaves. The objective for the plant is simply to go to capture more light.

At what temperature should an orchid be preserved, what level of hygrometry?

The temperature for orchids in the greenhouse is between 20 and 30 ° C during the day and between 18 and 25 ° C during the night with a hygrometry between 50 to 80% (ideally). However, it is very rare and even contraindicated to have a high level of hygrometry in your apartment or house. To compensate for this lack of moisture, you can position your orchid on a basin filled with water and volcanic rock . With the warmth of your home and the evaporation generated, it will have the effect of creating a micro-climate around your orchid. If you can, add an aquarium heater (with a thermostat) in the bowl to speed up evaporation. However, with crosses, orchids are more resistant and adapt more easily to cooler temperatures provided they do not go too low and too long. In this case, pay attention to watering your orchid to avoid for example coupling cool temperatures and too frequent watering.  the right temperature to keep an orchid is between 20 and 25 ° C . Reminder: To conserve your orchids, it is necessary to couple heat, light, humidity, but avoid to water too much (do not leave stagnant water at the foot of the plant) –

Watering Orchids: How and how often to water the Phalaenopsis?

Watering in Orchid

The frequency of irrigation of orchids must take into account various factors such as temperature, roots and the type of substrate used or whether the plant is blooming or not. As we have seen above, it is advisable to keep the orchids at temperatures between 16 ° and 25 °. This implies that it will be necessary to water the orchid about 1 time every 10 days in period of flowering and every 20 days approximately when the orchid is deflowered. To water an orchid, pour plenty of water into the pot to dampen the plant and then drain the pot . The roots then gray rehydrate and become green again in a few seconds. Above all, avoid leaving stagnant water that would cause the roots to rot. When watering, you will also need to consider the size of the roots and the pot. If your orchid has many roots this will tend to retain moisture. It will therefore be necessary not to water too much to prevent the roots from rotting. Consider also the type of substrates (usually copal, substrate), because the drying will be longer or shorter. In addition, limestone water must be avoided. The golden rule and never too much water the orchids because it would be fatal. This is also the case with many plants.

How to spot over-watering?

To know if an orchid is too watered, look at the plant pot to see if it is too wet and check if the roots begin to rot. This is the most effective way to spot the Phalaenopsis at too much water. If you spot an over-watering, quickly dry the roots and roots. Tip: Add lemon juice in small quantities in water for orchids to reduce the effects of limestone and add acidity (orchids like that!). In addition, to reduce the limescale, you can use a “Brita” decanter that filters the water . As mentioned, the frequency and dosage of watering is a difficult thing to evaluate. The advice given is for information purposes and gives you some maintenance techniques to respect. In any case, you will be able to judge the frequency of watering according to the environment of the orchid (positioning, temperature …).   Orchids are flowers that are highly prized by all of us. Very appreciated to decorate an apartment, to offer a gift … They will also be ideal for the floral decoration of an event

Healthy breakfasts that will save you from skin problems and excess weight

Elastic breasts, thin waist, tight hips and sexy buttocks … Do you want to find all these charms in the shortest possible time? “Lean on the cereals!” 5 types of useful cereals for breakfast for weight loss will help build up, add energy, will guarantee your health and attractiveness.

Not so long ago, scientists at Harvard University came to the conclusion: the use of cereals can be the key to longevity. People who often have porridges on their dining table feel better and look younger compared to those who do not welcome this type of food. In addition, they are more protected from heart diseases and ailment such as diabetes. As you see, there are many reasons to fall in love with porridge. Experts on healthy eating advise not to be limited to one or two kinds of cereals on the table, but there are at least 3 different cheeks a week. After all, each of them has its own unique properties.



For slenderness and grace:

Buckwheat called the queen of all cereals, and there is for that. It contains practically all the useful properties of other cereals. It is low-calorie, which makes it a favorite dish of all losing weight, and hypoallergenic, since it is devoid of gluten. This wonderful product has no contraindications and can be used as often as you want! By the way, there is buckwheat useful not only for you, but for your man. On a strong floor, this delicious porridge has an effect, close in effect to the aphrodisiacs. In other words, it increases the potency.

The composition of the buckwheat vitamins is very wide: A, E, PP and almost the entire group of B. Rich in buckwheat and trace elements. It contains cobalt, a substance that strengthens the nervous system; Nickel – an element that increases hemoglobin; Potassium – the first “strengthener” of muscles and bones; As well as selenium – a substance that removes toxins.
In 100 grams of porridge – 132 calories.


For satiety and intelligence:

The most useful is a porridge of dark or wild rice. But other types of this delicacy are good for a diet. The rice perfectly sucks and gives energy for the whole day. Garnish from it is neutral to taste, so you can safely add to the cereal juicy berries and fruits or complement it with slices of fish, meat delicacies.

In rice cereal there is almost the entire set of amino acids necessary for feeding the brain. All this ultimately reflects your intelligence. And in the rice contains folic acid – an indispensable element in the period of pregnancy planning and the first weeks of fetal development. And the last bonus – rice has the ability to cleanse the body with intoxication, because the rice broth is the first remedy for light (!) Food poisoning.
In 100 g. Porridge – 78 calories.


For heart and liver health:

This sunny type of porridge, named so for the gentle yellow color of the cereal, is a real panacea for heart and liver diseases. It contains just an unimaginable amount of protein, potassium and magnesium, micro elements that love the heart. Because doctors recommend millet porridge to people suffering from disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system. In addition, millet regulates the work of the liver, removes toxins and toxins, heavy metal ions. Helps relieve nervous tension and physical fatigue.

Millet porridge – an ideal option for dinner, it can be eaten even in the late evening without harm to the figure. Do not you know how to diversify the taste of porridge? – Add nuts, sweet pumpkin or honey. But remember: millet is difficult to digest by people with a decreased or zero acidity of the stomach. So with gastritis, show a sense of proportion!

In 100 grams of porridge – 90 calories.


For health and beauty:

Getting into the stomach, oatmeal “dissolves”, turning into a porous viscous mass. It absorbs and removes from the body toxins, poisonous and ballast substances that make us old, tire and provoke disease. But that is not all! A large amount of dietary fiber in oatmeal cleanses the intestines, making it work like a clock. As a result, the admirers of this cereal normalizes metabolism, reduces weight, improves appearance and well-being.

Oatmeal porridge is a real storehouse of vitamins of beauty. It is replete with biotin (vitamin H) involved in the structure of cells, improving the skin and nails. It also contains vitamin K, which has the ability to reduce the level of special substances in the body, perceived by immunity as a signal to aging. And, of course, it does not do without vitamin E, which extends women’s youth and beauty.
Oatmeal is perfectly combined with dried fruits, honey, berries and nuts. With such a tasty and healthy breakfast, your diet will always be delicious and nutritious.

In 100 g. Porridge – 88 calories.