Today, many citizens seek to change the vain and rather noisy living in apartments in high-rise buildings for a quiet measured life in a private house. The new place of residence unwittingly pushes for the breeding of domestic animals. And if dogs and cats are taken for granted by pets, then the residents of private houses do not even know about the maintenance of some pets and birds. And in vain! Today, the article will discuss the smallest poultry representatives – quails. Breeding at home these unpretentious and amusing dogs under the power of even novice “farmers”.
Breeding goals
Since ancient times, quail meat was considered a delicacy; it was served at the tables of the nobility only during large feasts. Breeding quails began relatively recently, about 5 decades ago. But even in such a short period of time, the development of quailing has reached a very impressive scale. This is explained by many factors:
- Benefits for the body and the healing properties of quail meat and eggs.
- Rapid maturing of chicks and relatively low cost of eggs.
- Simple and affordable process of keeping and growing quails.
If you are interested in the process of breeding and rearing birds at home, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the detailed recommendations of experienced farmers. Also, do not be amiss to learn about the possible difficulties in creating your mini-farm.
Keeping quail at home is not too difficult. Such birds are characterized by the small size and are contained in cages that can be placed at the cottage, in a warmed barn, or even on a glazed balcony. But above all, it is necessary to determine the purpose of their cultivation.
By purpose, quails can be divided into two groups:
- Yaytsenosky breeds, such as English white, Japanese and Manchu golden, in a year can carry up to 290 eggs. Such birds are characterized by very small sizes (the weight of an adult individual does not exceed 200 grams).
- Meat breeds (Pharaoh) do not differ in high egg production. But the carcasses of this breed are much more than the rest (up to 300 grams).
Choosing the direction of the future quail farm, you should decide for what you are going to raise poultry: to get diet eggs, the consumption of which has practically no contraindications, or the most delicate low-calorie meat, which is recommended as the basis of healing dishes for various diseases of the stomach.
It is impossible not to note the high profitability in growing quails, which is directly related to the biological characteristics of these birds:
- Early maturity;
- Fairly high egg production.
Already a month and a half after the birth of the quail begin to flee. The incubation period from the moment of laying the eggs in the incubator until the chicks appear is 18 days.
Features of growing and keeping of quails
The usual types of poultry (chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese) can easily get used to the home yard and graze in a fenced area. As for quails, they prefer a semi-wild way of life, therefore their domestication is very problematic. In connection with this quail contained in the cells. The room in which the cages with the bird are located should be sufficiently warm and dry, be able to be ventilated, but exclude even minimal drafts from which feathers start to fall from quails.
Light illumination is also very important for birds. The best is to maintain 18-hour daylight hours. With a lower light day, the amount of feed consumed decreases, but egg production also decreases several times. While maintaining the lighting around the clock, quails begin to carry eggs more actively, but this makes them grow older faster. Too bright lighting is also not the best option since a sharp stream of light can provoke bird anxiety and even fights that reduce both egg and meat productivity.
When growing quail at home, you must comply with a number of requirements:
- Proper lighting (sufficient by temporary standards and not too bright);
- Room ventilation;
- Spacious cages (in close birds, they will not be able to move freely, and the risk of developing various diseases will also increase).
Breeding quails in terms of apartments is not desirable. The best solution would be to grow birds in their own summer cottage. Even in one summer season, you can grow several generations of birds, getting from them not only healthy and tasty eggs but also the most valuable meat.
Subtleties breeding young animals
Before you get chicks, you should prepare for them a special cage (brooder), equipped with additional heating and lighting. For small quail in the first week of life, it is necessary to maintain the temperature around 36 degrees. By the end of the second week, the temperature should be gradually reduced to 30 degrees. Sudden temperature drops threaten the death of young animals.
In addition to heat, in the first weeks of life should be provided around the clock coverage. From this, the chicks are more likely to approach the feeders, eat more often and grow faster. After three weeks, coverage is reduced to 12 hours. When the quail will be ready to rush (about a month and a half), the lighting should be artificially increased to 17 hours.
Finely chopped eggs can be used in feeding the young at the age of 4 days, and a week later include corn and low-fat cottage cheese in the diet. Grown-up chicks should be gradually transferred to combined feed.
On warm days, cages with strong chicks can be taken out onto the street, but they should not be let out on the ground.
Novice poultry farmers should pay special attention to the feeding regimen and diet, as well as regular cell harvesting. In order to maintain cleanliness delivered less hassle, it is best to provide a double bottom in the cells.
For the convenience of feeding young animals and adults, grooved feeders are installed near the cells. And for drinking, there are special nipple drinkers that allow you to freely access the clean water.
Conditions of keeping adults
One and a half month quails are considered as adult individuals. For them, you need to adjust the diet of feeding, adding protein-rich ingredients. For laying hens, this will increase egg production, and males will gain weight faster. Adult quails should be fed up to 3 times a day at the rate of 30 grams of feed per individual. Birds with pleasure eat shredded grass and vegetables, soaked grains and seeds. You can also use a combined feed intended for domestic chickens. Twice a week it is recommended to add boiled fish to the diet, as well as bone meal. For productivity, it is not superfluous to add chalk and small pebbles to food.
Adult quails are placed in cages of 10 pieces: two males are planted in eight layers. Experienced poultry farmers recommend keeping such parent groups, otherwise, quails cannot always accept young males, and often even maim them. Some farmers hold opinions about keeping the hens separately from the males. In this case, quail podsazhivat to females should only be periodical.
The advantages of breeding quail at home
When breeding birds do not require too large investments and special skills. For breeding this breed of poultry there is no need for too much space. Cages for maintenance can be made with your own hands, and care does not require much hassle.
That is why recently breeding quails is becoming increasingly popular. Even if you do not plan to breed birds for the purpose of building a business, several hens are quite capable of providing the entire family with useful eggs and high-quality meat. The main thing is to provide decent care for the chicks and monitor the conditions of adult individuals.