What is the Role of a Business Coach?

Business coaches offer wide-ranging assistance and insight to businesses, helping them to grow and to address any issues or areas of weakness. They are real experts in their field and can help to grow a business from the ground up. Business coaches objectively look at both short- and long-term issues and goals, then plan accordingly as to how any obstacles will be overcome and how targets will be met.Continue reading →

A School Website – Why it is Important and What Should be Included on it

A website is something that is important for a business, but it is also an important part of life nowadays for pretty much everything. The internet is the first place that people will head to when they want to find something, and one of the things that the internet has proved very useful for is education.

For schools, a website is an important tool that they can use for many reasons – from helping children with home learning to communicating with parents. It is also a great way to provide information to parents who are looking for a school for their children and of course they will want as much information as possible in order to make an informed decision.

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Schools need a website that showcases their school and provides all the necessary information to those who need it – getting someone who specialises in building websites for schools like this fsedesign.co.uk/websites-for-schools/ is a good idea.

Some of the things that you should include on a good website for the school are:

Ofsted Reports – These can play a part in helping parents to decide on a school for their children.

Exam Results – Many parents will want to see the past exam results that students at the school have achieved.

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School Information – Things like the uniform policy, term dates and inset days and other information that is useful to parents can all be included here, which means that it is easy for parents to get the information that they need.

Redecorating your Bedroom to Make a Relaxing Sleep Haven

When you are going to decorate your bedroom, you will want it to be a place that reflects your own personal style. The bedroom is the place that is your own, where you can get that time for yourself to relax and making it an expression of yourself and your own personal space is important for creating this relaxing environment.

Another thing that you need to take into account is practicality. Storage is something that you will need to prevent the room from looking cluttered, and it is a good idea to look at all of the different ways that you can add extra storage to your bedroom – from fitted wardrobes that are made to fit your room, to beds that have storage built in underneath, this is something that you need to work out in the planning stages of your bedroom decoration plans.

The bed is of course the main part of the bedroom and ensuring that you have a bed that enables you to get a good night’s sleep is also important. Look into the various types of mattress, especially if you suffer from back problems for example, as you will need to find one that gives your spine the right type of support.

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Making a bedroom cosy and comfortable can easily be done with cushions and pillows, as well as good quality bedding. Never underestimate how good quality bedding can positively impact your night’s sleep, allowing your skin to breathe easier and for you to feel more comfortable as you sleep.

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You should also give a lot of thought to the colour of the bedroom – sticking to natural tones can help you to create the much calmer atmosphere that you want, as well as blues and greens which invoke a sense of calm. Stay away from the higher energy colours like red and yellow – these are too stimulating for a bedroom.

Bear in mind that electronics are not a great idea in the bedroom too – if you have a television in the bedroom, reconsider whether you need it, as this can also hinder sleep – why not replace it with a relaxing scene that makes you feel calm and relaxed.

Advice for caring for a loved one with dementia

Know your limits: It’s important to remember that you are only one person, and there is only so much you can do. Focus on what you can do and accept what you cannot. 

Prioritise: If you have a lot of different things to do, it may help to prioritise. Work out the things you need to do and the less important things, and do the most important things first.

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Deal with your feelings: It is essential to understand your feelings and accept your negative feelings. Others will be feeling the same. Negative emotions sometimes do not make you a bad person, and being aware of your thoughts can make it easier to cope with and move on.

When things get frustrating, think about why. Do you overdo things? Do you need access to help? By understanding why you feel the way you do, you can better decide what suits you and those you care for. Find out about Challenging behaviour training by visiting https://www.tidaltraining.co.uk/learning-disability-training/challenging-behaviour-training-breakaway-techniques

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Talk about it: Talking is often the first step to dealing with emotions. Talking can help you to feel less alone and anxious. Keeping your feelings locked up will likely make things worse, which isn’t good for you and the people you care about. Talking also provides an opportunity to put things into perspective.

Talk to other caregivers: Talking about your experiences with other caregivers can also be very beneficial, and you can share advice and discuss your experiences. Talking about your feelings with other caregivers may also be more accessible because they understand what you are experiencing.

What is a political activist?

A political activist is a fairly broad term that can be applied to people campaigning on a single issue, a limited cause such as a local environmental concern, all the way through to those who have waged lifelong campaigns against injustice or for human rights and dignity. The idea itself goes back as far as the Suffragettes, whose political activism meant the cause of women’s rights could no longer be ignored. In the end, the Suffragettes’ brand of activism was highly visible and relied upon this. However, today’s activists can be unseen, the so-called keyboard warriors.Continue reading →

What does the ICO do

The Information Commissioner’s Office or ICO is an independent body in the UK that helps to regulate individuals and businesses information rights. There are four main offices based in Cheshire, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff. They help to ensure that data protection is being followed and that any instances of data being lost or stolen are dealt with in the right way.

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It is important that businesses that have access to people’s personal data, are registered with the ICO. This then helps them to identify what risks a business may have in terms of the potential harm that occurs if data was lost or stolen. These risks can then be mitigated by using the services of a Confidential Waste Disposal Oxford company like www.printwaste.co.uk/confidential-shredding/confidential-shredding-oxford/ or by using security software.

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The ICO covers a number of important legislations in the UK including the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act and many more. In cases where data has been stolen or lost, the ICO will work with the business or organisation to work out what the potential risk to individuals is. They may then ask the business to take certain steps to secure the data and in some instances fines may be given that can amount to 4% of a businesses global turnover annually, or £17.5 million, whichever one of these is highest.