How to safely remove dried ear wax

Earwax is produced naturally by the body as a way to keep the ears clean and healthy. As a naturally waterproof substance, it protects the delicate eardrum from water and dirt and usually poses no problems; however, excess earwax can become a problem and become painful and unsightly. Let’s take a look at some methods you can try for ear wax removal if you begin to have issues.

Home remedies for ear wax removal

Dried and hard earwax can often be removed with nothing more than a little warm water to soften it and a cotton wool ball or fresh face cloth to remove the wax as it is released from your ear. You can let a little warm water drip into your ear or use a small syringe to gently squirt a small amount of water directly into the ear canal. Always be very gentle with your ears, as they are delicate.

Some people use oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, and almond oil. Again, these can be warmed very slightly and dripped into your ear gently to encourage the wax to break down. A basic saline solution can be used in the same way. The trick is to go slowly, never force anything into your ear – such as a cotton bud – and repeat the process periodically until the wax has dispersed.

Getting professional help

As our ears are so delicate, many people prefer to turn to professional ear wax removal by a company such as This is because professionals can use different methods and professional equipment to get excellent results without any risks or pain. You can also try over-the-counter methods, such as specialist ear drops that can be useful for milder buildups.

Getting the right assessment for children

For children, it makes sense to see a professional to assess the cause of the issue and pinpoint the right solution to prevent a buildup of earwax, as there may be an underlying issue such as an infection. When in doubt, opt for the professional route.

Hi, I am Donald Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life.