Dr Who is the longest-running science fiction television series in the world. It has delighted generations of children and adults since it first burst onto our screen in 1962. Originally conceived as a means to educate people in matters of world history it soon found itself moving away from this when it ran stories about Daleks, Cyberman and UNIT. It was almost canned after the first episode, being lost amongst the news of the assignation of President Kennedy.
The fierce defence of the show to be given a second airing was down to the grit and determination of its producer Verity Lambert. You needed to have a very good reception in those days to see it properly, much like today. It’s why you might need a TV Aerial Repair Bristol based company like https://aerial-installations-bristol.co.uk/.
It began with a curmudgeonly, but kindly, old man and his Granddaughter. It is revealed that he is an alien from the planet Gallifrey and is on the run in a stolen spaceship called the Tardis. It can also travel in time.
The theme of the kindly and paternal elderly gentleman lasts for the next three Doctors. The fourth is younger and more playful and this lasts for the next 4. The new series, after a lengthy break, sees a young Doctor with an accent. This look persisted until the 13th Doctor returned to an older man. However, the current focus is for the Doctor to be a woman and the idea of William Hartnell as the First Doctor has been sadly rewritten.