The renowned Chinese brand Xiaomi, presented in Beijing its latest device, the My Max, which, among other features, has a flawless 6.44-inch screen.
Chinese company Xiaomi today introduced its new smartphone with a large display, the new My Max, which seeks to stand face to face models badges of the market leaders Samsung and Apple and adds to the rapid growth presented by Chinese companies this market sector.
In the event that unfolded in the city of Beijing, the company introduced a dramatic new model with a large screen nothing more and nothing less than 6.44 inches and a price of ¥ 1,499 yuan (something like a $ 230 dollars) in its economic variant, which provides 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory.
This powerful new model has a thickness of about 7.5 mm, a weight of 203 grams and a battery (which ensures the company) has enough power to broadcast live video for 14 hours.
Xiaomi company also launched its new user interface model, called MIUI8, in which I improve its best image management, better security and much more ability to write many characters in Mandarin.
According to the company, the MIUI system has passed through the hands of nothing more and nothing less than 200 million users worldwide.
The current strategy by Xiaomi (which according to data from 2015, largely led the market of smartphones in China) is to provide mobile high-end, sophisticated models with fabulous very similar characteristics to those offered by the big market as is the case of Apple and Samsung, although it has indisputable comparative advantage of a cheaper price.
Globally, currently Xiaomi is not one of China’s leading brands sales: behind the duopoly of Samsung and Apple Chinese manufacturers such as Huawei, Oppo and Vivo are located, this, according to data provided in April 2016 by the company analysis technology International Data Corporation (IDC).
It is no secret that the sector of smartphones, has been one of the fastest growing in the global economy in recent years, although in terms of total sales, they rose slightly in the first quarter of 2016 (according to data from IDC ) presenting a rise of only 0.2%.