A mini battery that turns urine into electricity

Would you like to solve your power every time you use the toilet in your home? Or even better if possible transforms urine into electricity.

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Well let me tell you that is the future posed by the inventors of a revolutionary new battery powered “urine” and generates electricity at low cost.

Scientists at the University of Bath, located in the UK, teaming with Queen Mary University of London and also with the Laboratory of Robotics Bristol, have finally managed to solve the two main obstacles battery microbial fuel, which they are its high cost and low power generation.

How is it possible to produce energy from urine?

Its impressive battery uses natural biological processes, which can transform organic matter, such as urine, into electricity.

This compact battery is more powerful than previous versions of this type and low cost have a very positive impact on the developing world, the researchers say.

More power.

It is not news to anyone, the fact that supplies of fossil fuels in the world are being depleted. Besides this, due to the pollution factor, the pressure increases day after day to develop new sources of energy. As bioenergy is a solution and microbial batteries can produce that energy.

“Microbial batteries have a real potential to produce renewable bioenergy waste such as urine,” according to Dr. Mirella Di Lorenzo, who works for the University of Bath in England says.

However, one of the main problems is microbial batteries that can be very expensive to manufacture these.

The electrodes are made of materials profitable but in the case of the cathode, this usually contain platinum which is a very expensive element, but speeding up the reactions that generates electricity.

In addition to expensive, these batteries produce much less energy than other methods of bioenergy production.

They begin to raise questions like a phone that can be recharged with urine?

However, the new design uses nothing microbial battery of expensive materials for the cathode: This is made of carbon cloth and titanium wire.

And to speed the reaction and generate more power using a catalyst made of glucose and albumin, which is a protein found in egg white.

The author is an expert on occupational training and a prolific writer who writes extensively on Business, technology, and education. He can be contacted for professional advice in matters related with occupation and training on his blog Communal Business and Your Business Magazine.