How to adjust in to work when you do not want to work?

Perhaps we all remember as a child we did not want to wash the dishes every day, go for a younger brother to the kindergarten or to do morning exercises every day, not missing a single exercise. And then our parents, trying to make us desire to faithfully perform the work that we perform is not wanted in return was promised us something nice. For example, going to the circus, a new dress, or spending money. These benefits were promised to us motivated to to perform their duties.

Such motivation and need adults to help them bring myself to do something better than they usually do. Most often, the motivation we need to work. Many employers implement the system of remuneration for honest work. But what if the bosses are not in a hurry to encourage our efforts? Yes, and it is impossible to wait for the promotion of every day. And laziness is often overpowered, do not want nothing at all! And how to be “owl”, where every day you have to get up early in the morning, when the eyes do not want to open another? How to tune in to work when everything goes wrong and labor feats do not pull?

To succeed in the workplace, we need to be themselves their best motivators. And we can really achieve great success, if we can properly tune into operation, even in the most difficult day. With the right inner attitude everything will fall into place, too lazy to go away and work will be disputes.

Customize  the work

Let’s start with some effective tips. How this late birdie to tune in to a heavy work day? It is very important in the morning create a positive momentum. The way you start your day, will dictate the pace for the rest of the working time. Therefore, it is important to start with an emotional “explosion”. I must say to himself: “I – the successful, I – the best! I can do everything better today than they did yesterday! I want and I can fulfill all our plans today! “You have to mentally prepare themselves for the upcoming working day, as soon as get up from bed. This setting will help “the owl” to hold out until lunch, and then you have a much better feel.

I must say that creating a positive momentum at the beginning of the day we need not only “owl”, but also to everyone else. Just for “owls”, without such momentum swing it is sometimes very difficult. So think up for themselves are exercises that will help you achieve a positive emotional state at the beginning of the day, and do them every morning.

We give approximate exercise, causing a good mood:

  1. Think of something funny and try to laugh. During laughter reflex is triggered, and the brain receives a signal: “I’m fun and good.” So you can learn to call in his good mood at will.
  2. Listen to joyful music.
  3. Vigorously carry out the exercises morning. Exercise promotes the production of endorphin’s, which depends on a good mood.

Are there still some exercises that would help to develop in yourself positive motivation? And what else can be done to tune in to the job?

Keep only the positive talks

One of the main points of the oppressor and the office of any other work environment may be that many people prefer to blame the company, management, someone from colleagues who work in general. Needless to say, it is very hard to stay motivated when the workplace is constantly poured out someone’s negativity on us. In any job there is something good and something that you can not be happy. Focus on the good, surround yourself with like-minded people who know how to enjoy the work, and you can be sure that your motivation will remain unbroken.

Exercises to maintain a positive mood:

  1. Every day, get yourself to one compelling reason why you like your job.
  2. Invent and write jokes that help steer the conversation in another direction, when someone wants to share with you my negative.
  3. Celebrate for all the good things that happen to you during the working day. Try not to miss the little things, if they’ve added you to a good mood.

Think about the money

It is no secret that money is a good motivator. However, doing his job every day, we gradually begin to forget how happy my first money, and that is our daily routine work and the money we bring. Remind yourself that every day helps you make new money. Think about the things that you can not buy, if you do not work. If you work in an environment which can affect their wages (for example, you have a piece wage, or you – the entrepreneur), then the money should be one of your main reasons for motivation, so you can work harder than anyone else.

Exercises for the motivation to make money:

  1. Make for yourself a list of things you would like to buy. Decide how much you will need for this money and how much time to make them. Enter the numbers in the Wish List.
  2. Make a photo collage of the items which you want, and hang them in a prominent place. Every day treat collage, while saying to yourself: “I want to buy it, and I can make it!”

Even if your salary does not depend on your efforts, you still have to operate at full capacity of their abilities, and this leads you to the next point:

Engage in healthy competition with peers

You should always try to work better than others. You can even negotiate with colleagues and arrange a competition between themselves: who do their jobs faster, who is better and who is better and faster? You are free to come up with each other’s tasks and exercises that will help improve the quality of your work. And even the exercise may be subject to competition – who will perform them better quality.

All of this will make a fun element of competition in the communication between colleagues, simultaneously helping to establish a more favorable climate in the team. And you learn to be more professional, will become quickly find answers to questions arising from the work and motivate themselves to improve the quality of their work. Competition can lead to great achievements, until the rapid progress up the career ladder.

Focus on long-term goals

You still do not want to go to work? And when you get all the same come, you can not overcome laziness? Do you know why this is happening to you? Because your every day like the previous one. Both yesterday and today you did the same thing that you will do tomorrow. Are you bored when there is not anything new. But it depends on you, whether it is possible to change the existing state of affairs.

Regardless of your status today, there is always the opportunity for professional growth. For you, there is always such a position, to advance to where you can work, and it can be a great way to motivate yourself. Thus, setting a goal to achieve career growth, you invoke a desire to work better. When in front of you will stand a specific task, you will have an interest in their work, and you will no longer be bored in the workplace.

Exercises for setting long-term goals:

  1. First, work out in the statement of objectives for the current year. Put a general problem for the year, break the task into steps. Record monthly, when and what you want to do to achieve the goal. For example, the goal for the year – to master a foreign language to a certain extent. The challenge for each month – the study identified issues and the specific number of words. Each month, consult the bucket with its plan to monitor the success of its implementation.
  2. Make a list of goals that are willing to put in front of you to achieve career growth. Think about what you will be required to perform each scheduled task. Make a plan of its activities for the coming years.

If your every day brings something new, allowing you to get closer to the target, then you no longer have to swing in the morning, thinking about how to tune in to the job.

Well, with the big goals we have understood. But sometimes, because you just want to work quietly, without seeking to grab a star from the sky. Are all dream of a great career! What about these people? All of these exercises in setting big goals for them are uninteresting, and healthy competition with colleagues not always possible. As in this case, cause the interest in his work?

You can not believe it, but in this case will help the ability to put in front of goal.

The author is an expert on occupational training and a prolific writer who writes extensively on Business, technology, and education. He can be contacted for professional advice in matters related with occupation and training on his blog Communal Business and Your Business Magazine.