Three Things to Plan Before Starting your Own Self Build Project

If you have decided that you are going to build your own home, it is important that you do your research and plan carefully beforehand. Building your own home is a labour of love and in order to get the home that you want you need to spend some time planning it.

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Here are some of the things to consider…

The Site – It is important to find a suitable plot of land where you are going to get permission to build what you want, so think about local planning laws or buy land that already has planning permission granted.

Before you go ahead, you should also get a site survey done which helps to highlight any problems that you may have so that you can decide how to overcome them.

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Finding an Architect – Your architect will help to make your vision a reality, so choosing the right one is important! Look in your area for an architect and speak to others who may be able to recommend one to you. Find an architect like this Monmouth architect who specialises in residential properties.

Your Budget – Your budget is really important – you don’t want to get yourself into financial difficulties and you need to have a good idea of what things are likely to cost you. Getting quotes for the work that needs to be done and planning your budget beforehand are both things that you need to do, as well as working out how you will finance the project.

Hi, I am Donald Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life.