Are you in the midst of planning an extension or new-build construction? The potential need for a build-over agreement could present a challenge. But what exactly is it, and how can you determine if it’s necessary for your project? Let’s take a closer look.
Let’s start with the basics. What exactly is a build-over agreement? In simple terms, it’s a legal document you might need if you’re building over or near a sewer pipe. But let’s dig a little deeper.
What is a build-over agreement?
A build-over agreement is a legal agreement required by your water company. It’s put in place to ensure any building work doesn’t negatively impact a public sewer. It also allows the water company to access the sewers for repairs and maintenance.
You should only start construction work once an agreement is obtained.
Why is a build-over agreement so important?
A build-over agreement is essential for a building regulations completion certificate .Without sign-off, you may have difficulties selling your property.
Under the Water Industry Act 1991, water companies have the right to maintain, repair and replace the sewer network. Unauthorised building work could result in an injunction and damages.
Will I need a build-over agreement?
If construction is within 3m of a public sewer or 1m of a lateral drain, you’ll likely need a build-over agreement.
You can find sewer maps online to determine if there’s a pipe near your property. Otherwise, you may need a CCTV drain survey Loughborough by surveyors such as to decide whether or not you need a build-over agreement or can apply for a self-certified agreement.
Applying for a build-over agreement
Domestic properties can apply for a self-certified agreement if the sewer is 150mm or smaller, and you won’t need to relocate a manhole cover. Otherwise, you’ll need to submit an application form with plans showing the existing and proposed drainage layout with a cross-section drawing. A CCTV drain survey in Loughborough can be invaluable when compiling your application. Build-over agreements are generally processed within three weeks.