Millions of people suffer from Insomnia every year. It is a common sleep disorder that affects individuals of any age particularly elderly people. The most obvious symptom of Insomnia is being unable to fall asleep or maintaining the sleep duration. Furthermore, encountering with depression and anxiety are two other signs that are particularly associated with Insomnia.
What Are Signs and Symptoms Of Insomnia
Insomnia is a medical condition that refers to “disturbed sleep.” It can cause you to find difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep. Furthermore, there are lots of other signs and symptoms that are associated with Insomnia and can leave negative impacts on your everyday life. For example, insomnia can cause you difficulty in concentrating and focusing on your daily tasks. These negative effects also include mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, daytime fatigue and sleepiness etc.
In addition, many people with Insomnia experience tension headaches in which they feel like a tight band around their heads. Sometimes, the sleep disorder also contributes to difficulty in socializing and gastrointestinal symptoms. Insomnia also causes other signs such as the person with the sleep disorder may wake up with not feeling refreshed or fully awaken. Also, there can be daytime sleepiness and tiredness throughout the day. Furthermore, insomnia leads to problems in concentration as well focusing on tasks.
How To Diagnose Insomnia
There are several ways to diagnose a person with Insomnia. First of all, the sleep specialist will inquire a series of questions about patient’s medical history and his/her sleeping pattern. If necessary, the doctor will examine the patient in order to look for any possible medical problem that is also causing the patient to experience insomnia. In addition to above ways, psychiatric checks will also be considered to determine the possible cause of the sleep disorder. Though there are various efficient treatment options available, reaching at the correct diagnosis is quite difficult in most cases. Diagnosing insomnia requires several tests in addition to long-drawn assessment studies which usually cause people with the sleep disorder avoid for asking professional help.
How To Help People With Insomnia
Fighting insomnia is possible with medical, behavioral and even simple home remedies. However, those who have been experiencing the symptoms for more than two weeks or have started feeling disoriented, irritated, groggy or even lost must opt for professional help to treat their insomnia. Depending on the condition and severity of Insomnia symptoms, your doctor may recommend the usage of mental and physical relaxant medications. For example, Etizolam is one of the best medicines that are good at treating the fear-provoking symptoms of anxiety and Insomnia.
In addition, good sleeping habits can also help you deal with insomnia. For example, if you are a mobile user, make sure your switch off your mobile before going to the bed. Also, avoid reading, eating or watching television while you are in the bed for sleep at night. Make sure you don’t sleep for long hours nor take little sleeping duration. Restricting your sleep like decreasing bed time and partially depriving the body of sleep will help you increase tiredness ready for the night and eventually sleep well.