Child care in winter

The cold begins to feel as the days pass. That is why it is important to know what kind of care you need to have with your children and what are the best tips for keeping your child healthy in the winter. Respiratory diseases, flu and catarrhal processes are the pathologies most frequently encountered by pediatricians in consultations when winter arrives.


Children are especially vulnerable to low temperatures, they are more likely to contract illnesses, especially if they have daily contact with other children. His immune system is not yet as mature as that of adults and his defensive ability is less than wind, cold and rain. It should also be borne in mind that typical diseases of this time may be a problem, but if they are not treated correctly, they can become chronic diseases or seriously affect the health of children.

The most common diseases

The most serious and common among children during the winter illnesses are 3: bronchiolitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Its symptoms are similar and in many cases confused, even with colds or angina (much milder.) The symptoms of bronchiolitis, bronchitis or asthma are wheezing or wheezing, difficulty breathing and increased respiratory rate.

Decalogue for child care in winter

It is not in our hands to avoid the spread of diseases but we can act to try to reduce the chances of getting sick by following some simple and practical advice such as the following:

  1. Avoid sudden temperature changes and keep the house warm: do not use heating butt, but allow the body to use its own. Mechanisms regulating cold adaptation.
  2. Keep the house with an adequate level of humidity,dry air aggravates respiratory diseases.
  3. Sheltering just enough:avoid both excess shelters in heated environments such as lack of shelter in bad weather. Cover mouth and nose when outdoors or outdoors.
  4. Ventilatethe room daily, at least ten minutes a day.
  5. Avoid enclosed places too crowded.
  6. As far as possible, keep the child away from sick people.
  7. Have the child wash hands frequently,especially before eating, coming home and if you have been in contact with other children.
  8. Avoid sharing utensils with other children like cups, plates, cutlery, and towels and of course pacifiers.
  9. Include in the infant diet fruits and vegetables, especially foods rich in vitamin A and C.
  10. Another preventive measure is the flu vaccine.The vaccine against this infection is not included in the calendar, it is recommended only to the young people who suffer certain chronic diseases, from the sixth month of life.

Anyway, the doctor’s appointment should not be delayed, if 2 days pass and the child continues with symptoms or notes that he is drowsy, depressed or has no appetite. You should never stop consult doctor in situations of cold or flu, but do not seem serious

The author is an expert on occupational training and a prolific writer who writes extensively on Business, technology, and education. He can be contacted for professional advice in matters related with occupation and training on his blog Communal Business and Your Business Magazine.