A pandemic is a unique outbreak of an ailment that has spread over a large area, such as a continent or worldwide, with an exceptionally large number of afflicted individuals. A highly prevalent, but generally rare, endemic would not be termed a pandemic, even though it might cause some harm to a small number of individuals. An outbreak, on the other hand, is often marked by the mass importation of infectious diseases from one country to another, with attendant epidemics in affected regions.
What is a public health problem? A public health problem is a disease or condition that causes severe harm or death to a significant segment of the population. A pandemic that affects an entire nation, for example, is an extremely serious public health problem because the number of deaths would soon overwhelm the hospitals . The flu pandemics of recent years has prepared us for the fact that more pandemics are likely to erupt, thus calling upon greater preparedness for self-isolation among susceptible individuals. Flu is the subject of many clinical trials. For Paid Clinical Trials information, visit Trials 4 Us
How can you protect yourself? Proper personal hygiene, including the use of a flu mask and staying at home if you have symptoms can help stop spread of an infectious illness. Individuals with preexisting conditions such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, or asthma are encouraged to shield during a pandemic. Eating healthily, staying fit and maintaining a good weight for your height are both top tips to avoid the risk of any serious illness.