Having the sole use of a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (or WAV for short) provides its owner with Independence and Freedom. These WAV Vehicles if sourced from a reputable, professional company such as https://clarkemobility.com provide an individual with mobility restrictions not just a reliable way of getting to important hospital appointments and routine Doctor visits, but the freedom and independence to go to the shops whenever they want, visit family and friends or just go out for the day. Independence and Freedom are incredibly important for positive Mental Health, when either confined to a wheelchair or struggling with severe mobility issues. Imagine being confined to your house every day! Getting out of your home and accessing your own vehicle whenever you want and going wherever you want to go is vitally important.
Covering the entire length and breadth of England this experienced, reliable, trusted company keeps a large number of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles to suit various needs and they can also adapt them further, such as adding a winch, if necessary. If they don’t have a car that you like or think is suitable, they will source one for you from their extensive list of trusted, nationwide suppliers. New and used WAV Vehicles are available, so they are sure to have one in your price range or find one that is.
The friendly, professional Team behind this tried and tested company have an exemplary reputation for great customer service and providing good quality vehicles.