Plane fare, hotel accommodations and rental cars can be the divine trinity of travel preparation, but nailing along these aspects of your vacation is only the foundation of the trip planning process. If you want to accomplish a smooth, annoyance-free trip, taking care of necessary responsibilities like researching activities at your destination, organizing your findings and getting your home in order is key.
1.Tires, with correct pressure
A tire whose pressure is above or below normal does not cling to the asphalt as it should and may endanger the occupants of the vehicle. It is therefore very important to know measure the pressure of the wheels of your car .
2. Watch your tires
Since you’ve looked before they had the right pressure … Keep an eye on the state of the car’s wheels. The 50% of drivers drive with them in poor condition (especially since the crisis began) and are key in the safety of your car because they are the only one. As tires do not last forever , watch out if you must and change.
3. Oil, motor life insurance
Before you take the car make sure you measure the oil level of your car. An engine with oil level too low would soon griparse, which would leave it completely unusable. And an excess of lubricant has an effect on poor engine performance. Discover how to measure the oil level in your car.
4. All aboard
It is important to get off the road well equipped, especially if what you are going to do is a long trip. From a light kit parts (they are no longer mandatory and some cars are impossible to change) to the warning triangle, through a reflective vest or a flashlight, you have everything in this article we wrote: what you should always carry the car .
5. Load the car properly
Did you know that the way in which luggage is placed inside a car can reach condition their behavior on the road? This is further accentuated, if possible, when one goes on vacation, since the volume of luggage that is carried on board the car is usually higher. It is therefore very important to know how to load the car properly.
6. Saves fuel
There are methods to reduce the consumption of gasoline in the car: driving with the windows up, not to exceed the use of air conditioning, wear well-inflated wheels, etc. While collect in a post ten basic tips to save on fuel .
7. Do you know what to do if you have a prick?
If you drive and suffer a sudden puncture, you have two options: call roadside assistance and ask for help; Waiting on the shoulder for someone to come to your rescue; or change the wheel has burst on its own: It is much faster than waiting for someone to come and help is easier than you think .
8. Be careful at the wheel
When driving you should always be alert, although extreme caution should be exercised when it comes to a long trip, since from the three or four hours of travel, fatigue begins to make a dent. Do you know how to fight the onset of sleep when you drive? Follow these five key guidelines recognize and avoid fatigue behind the wheel .
9. In case of accident
Stay calm, make sure there are no injuries, notify the police and health services if necessary, and do some accident with the car or cars involved. Here we tell at greater length what to do in case of car accident .
10. For those who drive at night
It is always best to drive by day, as the conditions are much better. Still, many people prefer to take the car at night, among other things, because there are fewer people on the road. If you are someone who prefer to drive to the moonlight, remember these ten tips for night driving . And watch out because you could improve your vehicle ‘s lighting