The companies and brands still have much room for improvement in social networks

Social Networks

Studies have been demonstrating in recent times, although consumers have changed their expectations and although they have become a kind of freaks real time, always waiting for brands to interact with them at the exact moment they are talking , the fact is that companies are not always up to par and, in general, still have to learn a lot and still quite shake. Response times are often too long and trademarks are not usually all that should be dynamic.

The latest study has analyzed what they are doing and how manufacturers are responding to the challenges of social networking is the Sprout Social Index, which has shown that much remains to be done. The study looks at what they are doing different industries in social networks and how even those who receive messages are not being anything effective in responding to this new environment.Continue reading →

Why they are succeeding brand communities outside of social networks?

Social Networking

Social networks are a fundamental part of the strategy of the companies, but the fact is that brands no longer just used the ‘traditional’ social networks when they want to reach consumers. Increasingly are becoming interested more for brand communities, that is, social scenarios that are not dependent on popular social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, but have been created by the company to focus on an item or a reality to them interested.

Brand communities can be in many ways and many types. There are brand communities focused on specific products, which can afford the brands that have crossed the line and become an item for fans; others focus on specific areas, such as those allowing exchange recipes under the protection of a brand power; or serve as a guide to the problems, a kind of collaborative customer care. The formulas are varied, but all have in common a few things. They are a good format for profit for the company.Continue reading →

Why consumers will not buy more via the mobile?

Mobile Shopping

The mobile phone has become an indispensable tool in the purchasing process, and most people use it frequently to compare prices, research products or information on the location and time of a store. Also rapidly it is growing number of consumers who use it to make purchases, but considering that 9 out of 10 consumers smartphone device is already the primary Internet connection, strange that the number of buyers via computer remains much higher.Continue reading →

Window shopping is also a trend that extends LAN

Online Business
More and more consumers use the online shops as a stage to see, as they do when they go for a walk and watch shops. The Internet has changed the lifestyle of consumers is something that few would argue. The network has appeared and has introduced new behavior, I changed that already existed and changed the habits of people in general.Things are not as easy and simple as might appear before and consumers are becoming more connected, are seeking more information and details about the things that interest them. Increasingly have access to more data, more and more scenarios can move them to discover more things and have more and more elements that change their buying habits.

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3 tips to generate ideas for your blog

ideas for blogging

You do not know what topics to write? Take note of these tips to share experiences and engage your readers.

Develop story ideas for your blog is very similar to generate business ideas: You probably think many fiasco that have some shine. Even the most experienced writers experience this. Although it is simple to find topics to write as an entrepreneur such as networking, branding and marketing-strategies is the fact that they too have been too addressed. Continue reading →

Advice to make a Blog

Make a Blog

If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to make them as close to art. This is because people who are creating a Blog are themselves artists, who can carefully choose the exact words that best describe their feelings, feelings, needs and desires; in short, everything!

Basically, blogs were first introduced as weblogs that refer to a blog on the Internet. It was created when the Internet began to get a good score in the virtual Marketing. Therefore, in principle, around 1990, the network gradually found saturated the virtual community offered a viable source of great information to the Internet.Continue reading →