What does TBL mean in knitting?

Abbreviations are common in the world of knitting and they are often used as shorthand to tell knitters complex instructions in a concise way. One abbreviation that can leave newcomers to knitting wondering what it means, is ‘TBL’. Read on to discover what this knitting abbreviation stands for and how it can be used.

The Meaning of TBL

TBL stands for ‘Through Back Loop’. This is a special way of working a stitch, where the knitter inserts the needle through the back of the stitch loop instead of the front, which is what is done in standard knitting.

The more interesting stitches you know, the more original things you can make ThisĀ  small change in your knitting technique can create interesting textures and effects in your knitting.

How to Knit Through the Back Loop

If you see TBL in a pattern, you will need to approach the stitch slightly differently. Instead of inserting your right needle into the front of the stitch on your left needle, you’ll bring it in from behind. The rest of the stitch is then worked as normal. TBL can be applied to both knit and purl stitches and this will create what is known as a ‘twisted stitch’.

The Effect of Knitting TBL

Knitting TBL is often used to add texture to a pattern, create a decorative element or even tighten up stitches in areas that might otherwise be prone to stretching, like the edges of a garment. Some knitters also find that knitting with TBL can help correct any issues with uneven tension as it naturally tightens the stitch.

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If you can understand and master this simple technique, you will be able to tackle a wider range of knitting patterns and also add an extra dimension to your knitting projects. Whether you’re working on a complex cable pattern or you simply want to add a subtle twist to your knitting, knowing how to work TBL stitches is a valuable skill in any knitter’s repertoire.

Hi, I am Donald Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life.