While some parts of the UK are more dangerous than others, living in a low crime area will reduce your insurance costs and your risk of becoming a victim. These areas have more police officers per capita than metropolitan cities, which have a lower police ratio per 100,000 people. Listed below are a few of the benefits of living in a low crime area. Read on to discover how living in a low crime area can benefit you and your family.
The benefits of living in a low crime area include feelings of security, peace of mind, greater wellbeing and lower insurance premiums. Areas where there is a community often experience less crime. For example, consider the low crime rates of Park Homes for Sale in Gloucestershire. Find out more at Park Home Life who offer Park Homes for Sale in Gloucestershire
The most common crimes are those involving theft. The size of a community influences the crime rate. The smaller the city, the lower its crime rate. For the largest cities, crime rates are often the highest, due to their high transitory population. Crime rates peaked during the last quarter of the twentieth century, but have since dropped significantly. While these decreases may be the result of a number of factors, they suggest that an aging population is one of the contributing factors.
Larger cities understandably have higher crime rates as the population is far greater and denser. Living in a semi rural or village community, it’s harder to commit crime as unfamiliar faces are obvious. Small communities tend to know each other well and suspicious activity or unknown vehicles will stick out like a sore thumb!