It is not to be dogmatic what science dictates, because there are always studies contradict each other. However there are other patterns of good habits that studies and studies rectified in its veracity. Today we share some best practices that will help you maintain a healthy weight and vitality.
1. Although it sounds incredible, eat what you enjoy
You want to eat healthy food but you have chosen really do not like much. It is best to choose a healthy that you like, otherwise it is much more difficult than the pay. It is not that choose all the junk you enjoy as a diet, but how healthy, choose, as much as possible, what pleases you.
2. The key is portions
There are studies that have found that when a person essentially aims to lose weight is to focus on portions. Being aware of the amount of food you’re eating is essential, for example, always remember the plate method. Your diet in balance it is very important.
3. Avoid the restaurants and make your own lunch
To consume exactly the number of calories you need is easier if you take it control you. In restaurants, twice the necessary portions are served at least in the United States. Better prepare your food at home and take her to work. Also in restaurants usually order a dish that is not necessarily balanced.
4. Let your snacks are high in fiber and protein
Studies at the University of Sussex have found that the main nutrients that will make you feel satisfied are protein and fiber. So if you’re going to eat a snack, it is best to do so to integrate the latter. There are many bars, very good reputation, which will provide you fiber, for example.
5. Go for Mediterranean food:
In addition to gourmet and exquisite; with tasty condiments and delicious key elements such as olive oil, tomato paste, fish, etc., their effects on health are striking. For example, the fact that it reduces heart disease is beneficial against breast cancer or help to improve memory.This type of food also is often far removed from the processed food.
6. Avoid drinks with calories, always
In a study where he analyzed up to 173 obese women, it was concluded that her weight loss was significantly linked to the cessation of consumption of sugary or highly caloric beverages.This is because at this time, and fortunately less and less, we usually eat most sweat drinks such as soft drinks. Your calorie intake comes from your food, not your drinks, sure.
7 .Variety:
Diets with more variety of dishes have proven more effective than those uniforms options. Perhaps this because they are more likely to follow a more exhilarating than one you definitely bored soon diet.
8. Know your microbiome:
In recent years it has been shown how microbes living in you cover 90% of the DNA loads. Studies have found that from knowledge of the status of your microbiome can be designed the best type of diet for you.
9. Drink water before eating:
If you take just under 500 ml of water before a meal, it will make your body is not going to sign that you have too hungry, it also will digest better what you ingested.
10. Avoid going tothe supermarket when you’re hungry
Go with a full stomach, otherwise your decisions will be based more on your hungry state in a nutritional approach.
11. Sleep well
A study has found how people who have had little sleep are more likely to crave junk food. It’s funny, it’s as if the imbalance that caused the also did not sleep at your disposal to unhealthy.
12. Eat breakfast, always.
Just breakfast makes your metabolism convert food into energy. Besides that you feel good it will also make you stay away from the snacks at least until lunchtime.
13. Avoid diet drinks:
Besides these increase the risk of heart disease and strokes, studies have proven how people who carry a specific diet lose more weight if they avoid diet drinks.